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I am in favor of animal rights as well as human rights.
That is the way of a whole human being. -- Abraham Lincoln

Animal Advocacy Sample Letters
These sample letters were developed by several list moderators for you to use when writing about specific issues you care about.  They may be freely used without copyright. Please try to personalize as much as possible by inserting a special subject line and beginning with a sentence explaining why this topic is important to you; i.e. "As a mother of young children," "as a citizen of your town," "as a visitor to your state," "as a consumer of your product," etc.

To view the (searchable) library of current letters on actual issues that need to be written today, go to:
To subscribe to this list, send an e-mail to:
NOTE:  PLEASE CONSIDER MAILNG HARD COPIES OF YOUR LETTERS (instead of/or in addition to e-mail) BECAUSE MANY PEOPLE REPORT THAT RECIPIENTS TAKE HARD COPY LETTERS MORE SERIOUSLY.  Due to the recent Anthrax scare, when writing the President and Members of Congress, it is best to FAX your letters and follow-up with a phone call to their local or Washington, D.C. office.

Animals used for Food:
Request to Church, Civic Group, etc to not Celebrate Events with Chicken Dinners, Pig Roasts, etc.
Request to Restaurants to offer Vegan/Vegetarian Food Options

Animals used for Research:
Boycott Charity - General
Boycott Products - General
Boycott Products - Cosmetics/Household
Dissection (in schools)
Huntington Life Sciences
March of Dimes
Pound Seizure
Trachael Intubation Exercises on Animals
Animals used for Premarin

XENOTRANSPLANTAION or "Harvesting" Animals for Blood and Organs: "Xenotransplantation" or the use of animals as "blood & organ harvesting machines" is far from safe and may be the means of introducing deadly new viral diseases into the human population, for which there are no known cures.  It is speculated by the scientific community that the AIDS HIV virus was introduced by human contact with tissue and plasma from a Rhesus monkey used by animal experimenters several years ago.  While the HIV virus had no effect on a Rhesus monkey's health, it caused deadly effects when introduced to a human host.  Xenotransplantation could unleash other potentially deadly effects upon human health; not to mention the cruelty involved in breeding and imprisoning intelligent, emotional beings to "harvest" their body parts and blood.

1.) Call 1-800-SAY-AAVS, or visit their web site at:  to learn about the Campaign for Responsible Transplantation.
2.) Begin a dialog with 2 or 3 colleagues who may not yet realize the consequences of Xenotransplantation.
3.) Send a letter to your Congresspersons.  You can locate your 2 U.S. Senators' and 1 U.S. Representatives' contact information at:  DOWNLOAD A SAMPLE LETTER HERE.

Animals used for Clothing:

Animals used for 'Sport':
Donkey Basketball
Greyhound Racing
Horse Racing
Rodeo (long)
Rodeo (short)
Rodeo - request to local government to ban rodeos

Animals used for Entertainment:
Butterfly Releases
Carriage Horses
Chimps (used in movies,tv)
Circus - General (long)
Circus - (short)
Circus - Clyde Beatty-Cole Brothers
Circus - Ringling Brothers
Circus - Roberts Brothers
Circus - Royal Hanneford
Dolphins (swim-with-dolphins program)
Dolphins (exhibits)
Elephants (used for performing acts/tricks)
Events - General (fairs,amusement parks,etc.)
Petting Zoos
Traveling Animal Acts

The time is right to circulate petitions in your city to ban circuses and traveling animal shows. DOWNLOAD A PETITION HERE  For tips on writing effective petitions, click here.

Are you involved in community events or corporate sponsorship programs? If your town is planning to have a circus that features animals, please inform your local government officials about the cruelties performing animals have to endure, and provide them with a list of alternative circuses that feature human performers.  Some top non-animal circuses are:
     Cirque du Soleil, 1217 Notre-Dame St., East; Montreal, Quebec H2L 2R3;
        (514) 722-2324
     Circus Chimera, 222 E. Jefferson St.; PO Box 842; Hugo, OK 74743;
        (580) 326-4999
     Cirque Ingenieux, 10430 Scenario Lane; Los Angeles, CA 90077;
        (310) 474-4556

Wildlife Animal Abuse:

Domestic Animal Abuse: 
Over and over again young boys and adults WITH A HISTORY OF ANIMAL ABUSE AND torture are murdering children and adults in this nation’s schools, churches and work places.  We must once again write and educate lawmakers, officials and community leaders on the animal-human violence connection.  Most people, while well-intentioned, only act when the health and safety of their children and fellow humans are adversely affected.  Let’s make them aware of the animal-human violence connection, loud and clear.

Animal Abuse
Animal Abuse (alternate letter)
Animal Abuse (with attachment of casefiles of animal abusers/killers progressing to crimes against humans)
Breeding - Companion Animals
Breeding - Companion Animals (alternate letter)
Feral Cat Colonies
Gas Chambers used for Euthanasia of Homeless Animals
Pound Seizure

To become part of our Animal Advocacy List and directly receive e-mail copies of pre-written letters and electronic memos to help change public policy and save animals from harm and painful death, send an e-mail to:
(Letters are public, the membership list is private.)

You can also browse a more complete list of Letters and Issues at:
To do a search, go to the top right corner of the page and a box titled "Search Archive."   Type in the keyword(s) you are looking for; try several as the search engine isn't always very efficient.

Animal factories are one more sign of the extent to which
our technological capacities have advanced faster than our ethics...
We make free species extinct and domestic species into biomachines.

We build cruelty into our diet. -- J. Mason

The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged
by the way its animals are treated. -- Mohandas Gandhi

The love for all living creatures is the most noble 
attribute of man. -- Charles Darwin

This site is owned by
Diana Artemis,speaking in one united voice for the animals. 

Want to join the In Defense of Animals: The Keyboard Advocacy?