YWAM Chennai Staff Profiles

These people are our very dedicated leaders of various ministries in YWAM Chennai. Feel free to contact them. They will be glad to give you more information on their ministries and how you can help, encourage, support and be involved.

Links to profiles of the main YWAM Chennai staff ministry key workers and leaders:

YWAM Chennai staff profile - M.L. Eugene (Church Ministry)
YWAM Chennai staff profile - Freddy & Daisy (Street Kids ministry)
YWAM Chennai staff profile - Sudhakar & Julie (Madras City Ministries)
YWAM Chennai staff profile - Richie & Cheryl (Kottivakkam DTS Centre)
YWAM Chennai staff profile - Ian & Sandra (Asha Kendra School)
YWAM Chennai staff profile - Jacob & Helen (Padappi DTS Centre)
YWAM Chennai staff profile - Sam R. (Neighbors Ministry)
YWAM Chennai staff profile - J.D. Wilson (AIDS Ministry)