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Last updated January 1, 2005

Y Chennai - a collection of many different ministries
Y City Ministries in Chennai in 2005 consisted of over 16 different ministries in different parts of Chennai (Madras). These include two English Discipleship training Schools (DTS), A Tamil DTS, the School of Evangelism and Pioneering (SOEP), An Evening Discipleship Training Program (EDTP) conducted in churches, Y Publishing selling Christian books and tapes, Neighbors ministry, ministry to AIDS/HIV+ patients, people group research, the Asha Kendra Christian School, Kings Kids, Rescue and Restore School, ministry to street children, mercy ministries, slum ministry, leprosy ministry, church ministry, day care ministry, evangelistic coffeehouses, fishermens village ministries, University ministries,

The city of Chennai
With it's population of over 7 million, Chennai (the new name for Madras) is the fourth largest city in India. Located on the southeastern coast of India, Chennai is known for its easy going and rich cultural lifestyle. The Apostle Thomas preached the Gospel and was martyred here.

Youth With a Mission is just one of the many Christian organizations that is endeavoring along with the body of Christ to reach this metro with the good news of Jesus Christ. Opportunities abound here for YWAM students, outreach teams, full-time ministry workers and those who want to support the furtherance of the Gospel in various practical ways.

Asia Tsunami 2004 - India damage photos, Y disaster relief