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Aeris's RPG Realm

- General Info on SoM2 - Character Descriptions and Class Changes

- Walk through - Midi Downloads - Icon Downloads - Screenshots

-General Info on Legend of Mana (Coming soon!)

5-25-00:  I redid this page over again for the 4th time or so.  I don't know what's wrong.  Its just so boring.  Anyways, my links are up so come check them out and sign my GuestbooK!


CoMe ViSiT My OtHeR PaGe at Aeris' Domain!!!

Secret Of Mana 2

Class Changes
SoM Screenshots
ICQ:  10987736
AOL IM:  Aeris1021
Micellaneuos Pictures (Friends)
Midi and Icon Donloads
My Links
Sign Guestbook  View Guestbook

Last Updated: MaY 26, 2000

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Email: ME HERE!

©1999. *note* This page is unauthorized. Secret of Mana 2 did not come out in the U.S. and was not released in a english version. Seiken Densetsu 3 is a copyright of ©1995. Copy my page and I will hunt you down and kill. And for the people i "borrowed" something from and did not make a link or somesort relating to them, i apologize and i will make changes if i am contacted about it.