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Double Team Moves

1. Powerbomb- You and partner grap opponent from opposite sides

2. Bulldog- you and partner grab opponent from back

3. Suplex-you and partener grab opponent from front(stay close to your partner)

4. Wishbone well...try a double suplex but be at adjacent 45degree angles so

you you


opponent -||



5. Doomsday device-as everyone should already know but just incase y didnt...grab opponet from behid and push R and have your partner climb the ropes

6. Doomsday Device(variation)-you and your onnonent on the ouside of the ring--grab opponent from behind and have partner climb ropes

6.5 Grab opponent from behind and push L


Try throwing your opponent against the ropes then jump over them and your partner would springboard dropkick him. On the ouside throw throw your opponent toward your partner-they should be able to do moves as if your opponent just bounced off of the ropes