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Heres what the pie chart means:

1)Hit % 4)Ground attack %
2)Grapple % 5)Aeiral atk %
3)Counter attack % 6)Special atk %

1-Includes anything using the attack (b) button
2-Includes anything using the grapple (a) button
3-All reversals (includes stealing weapons)
4-Any moves like when you hold the R button while getting up
5-Anything in the air including ax handle, planchas, pescados and stage dives
6-Involves other attacks such as weapons, guardrail and turnbuckle hits, and other stuff that I'm not sure of.

Yesterday I spent six hours figuring this out, so what follows is the Definitive Pie Translation.

Blue- Strikes or Blows
Orange- Moves done on Prone Opponent
Purple- Grapples
Yellow- Aerial Attacks (Baseball Slides are included)
Red- Reversals
Green- Miscellanious Things

Furthermore, when you see the Pie Graph you can use your Directional Pad to highlight the colors. Once a color is highlighted, you can push the "A" button to pull up a more exact table on the moves. Each of these Tables are broken down as such

move type # attempts # successful % successful % category

In other words, the first column gives a type of of move (a bunch of Japaneese writing). The second column will give the number of times you attempted that type of move. The third column will tell how many of those times you were successful with that particular move. The fourth column will translate the second and third column's into precentages (If you try a move twice and connect once, you will see % 50.00 in this column). The final column gives a percentage of how many times you did a move in comparison to the rest of the moves in that category. This column will always equal 100.00 % for every color group.

The list of the move types are as follows:

Blue- Strikes

1. Weak Punches (or the Knee thing when you are on the apron)
2. Weak Kicks
3. Weak Strike when Opp. is running
4. Any Strong Strike (Holding the B button with or without Direction.)
5. Running Strike (Tap B while Running without touching a Direction.)
6. Directional Running Strike (Tap B while Running in a particular Direction)
7. Running Strike when opponent is Stunned in the Corner.
8. Kneeling Strike (After Knocked Down, Hold R to Crouch, then B to strike)
9. Shots performed in a Combo. Chain (Strong Grapple and B, followed by B taps and Directions. Only some Wrestlers can do this)

Purple- Grapple

1. Irish-Whip / Face Smash to Corner (Guard Rail) / Toss Opponent in or out of ring
2. Weak Grapples from Front (tap a)
3. Strong Grapples from Front (Hold A)
4. Max Grapples from Front (Special Move or Stolen Move)
5. Weak Grapples from Behind (tap a)
6. Strong Grapples from Behind (Hold A)
7. Max Grapples from Behind (Special Move or Stolen Move)
8. Weak Grapples when Opponent is Running (tap a)
9. Strong Grapples when Opponent is Running (Hold A)
10. Tests of Strength
11. Weak Grapples when Opponent is Stunned in the Corner (tap a)
12. Strong Grapples when Opponent is Stunned in the Corner (Hold A)
13. Grapples to Opponent who VOLUNTARILY are on the top turnbuckle
14. Grapples to Opponent on Apron when you are in the ring.
15. Grapples to Opponent in Ring when You are on the Apron


(I have not discovered these and probably will not)

Orange- Moves to Prone Opponent

1. Tap A near opponent's Head (either while he is face-up or on his stomach)
2. Tap A near opponent's feet (either while he is face-up or on his stomach)
3. Tap b to Drop on opponent (either while he is face-up or on his stomach)
4. Tap b while Running to drop on opponent (either while he is face-up or on his stomach)

Yellow- Aerial Moves

1. Any Top-Turnbuckle Drop (regardless of whethor he is in-ring or out, standing or prone, Parrallel to the Turnbuckle or not)
2. Running Planchas (with Opponent outside, with or without directional pad)
3. Sling-Shot Moves from Ring to Floor (with opponent on the floor, near ropes tap a and direction of ropes)
4. Running Strike to Floor while on APRON (not the Planchas of #2)
5. Strikes to floor while on Apron (Ultimo Dragon's Asai Moonsault, Hollywood Hogan's Elbow Drop)
6. Springboard Moves from Apron into Ring (Rey Mysterio's Spin Wheel, Tiger Mask's Dropkick. While Opponent is up or down).
7. In-Ring Asai Moonsault's

* Not All Wrestler's can perform all of these moves

Green- Miscellanious

1. Leap Frog's or Fall Away's after Irish-Whipping Opponent.
2. Weak Weapon Strike (Opponent Standing or Prone)
3. Strong Weapon Strike (Opponent must be Standing)
4. Flaunting (While Standing or on Knees or Stolen)
5. Tag-Team Moves

This list of moves assumes that people know some things that they might not actually know about this game, so let me say a few more things about this game.

1. There are two running strikes. Hogan, for example can do either a knee lift or a clothesline. If you simply press the C-Down button to begin running and press b, you will execute a knee lift. If you push towards your opponent as you push c-down to begin running, you will execute a clothesline when you press b.

2. In the same way, some people have two plancha moves. Manami Toyota is a good example here. If you press a direction button to begin running, you will execute a diving elbow, while she performs a simple Baseball slide if no directions are pushed.

3. The running move from the Apron to the Floor is one of the greatest moves (In my opinion), but I'm not sure if every body knows about it. Some wrestlers (mostly cruiserweights) have this move. When your Opponent is outside the ring, get on the apron a good ways away from him. Press down C to begin running and then b (I think). Alot of wrestler's will do a flip type maneuver, but Hayabusa (among others) has a great flying fist, and Shiro Koshinika (sp?) does another Butt-Butt.

4. Every wrestler can perform a running drop onto a prone Opponent. Back away from him, start running, and press b. You will get either a stomp, an elbow drop, or a flip.

5. For some wrestlers there are a total of six Top-Rope Drop maneuver's. They are: (1) opponent Standing in-ring (2) opponent prone in ring, but not parrallel to the turnbuckle (3) opponent prone in the ring and parrallel to the turnbuckle (4) opponent prone in ring, parrallel to the turnbuckle, and you have a special (5) opponent prone outside the ring, and (6) opponent standing outside the ring

That's everything that I can think of right now. I know this is a long-letter, but all the information here is accurate and I would be appreciative to see it in some way on your web-page, especially considering the great amount of time I spent discovering all of this just to send it to you.

I got the REAL TRANSLATIONS for VPW 64 and more:
The PURPLE is Grapple Attacks
The YELLOW is Arial Attacks
The GREEN are Special Techniques (Not Moves)
The BLUE is any Attacks (punches, kicks, etc...)
The ORANGE is any Ground attack (submissions, stepping on them, running and jumping on them)

Trust me, I experimented with these myself, these are the real deal! has made a VPW Pie Chart graph shown here, which represents the graph shown after each match. has said that the chart data in the entry below this is almost COMPLETELY inaccurate and he has reported the "REAL" meanings as shown here.

BLUE-strikes attempted/landed
PURPLE-wrestling moves performed
ORANGE-submission holds used
YELLOW-airial attack, including planchas (baseball slides to the floor don't count)
GREEN-anything 'dishonorable' ie. using weapons, trying to trip people from the outside, chokeholds, etc.

There you go. Have a few matches using this color key and you'll see that it's right on. Glad to help!

From -  
I have figured out what the colors on that pie mean (the one at the end of a match):

Green: how much you flexed
Orange: any moves you did to the legs
Red: reversals
Yellow: jumping off the top rope

UNDEFINITE, but pretty damn sure:
Blue: Shots taken and/or thrown anywhere in the region between the head and legs.
Purple: Shots taken and/or thrown to the head.

Thanks to for providing these menu translations below


Difficulty (Easy, Normal, Hard)
Referee's Picture (On, Off)
Spirit Meter (On, Off)
Realism (On, Off)
Audio Settings (Stereo/Mono, BGM, SFX)
Controller Settings
Player Data (?)
Wrestler Data (The stats after every match are saved here)

Note: I haven't figured out what Player Data is for


When getting ready for a match, after you've selected your wrestlers, there is a menu for

Time Limit (Unlimited, 5 min, 10 min, 30 min, 60 min)
Arena (Random, NSW, EWF, WOU, DAW, ICW, WCW, nWo, AKI)
Pin (Yes, No)
Submission (Yes, No)
TKO (Yes, No)
Rope Break (Yes, No)
Ring Out (Unlimited, 10 sec, 20 sec, Lumberjack Rules)
Quick Match (Yes, No)

(for tag matches there are two more options)
Tag Format (Tag to switch, No tag is needed)
Tag Match Rules (Pin 1 wrestler to win, Pin both wrestlers to win)

NOTES: On the Rules menu, when you choose the arena, you can choose the video game company's arena - AKI, and then the match will be in black and white!


During the match there is a menu when you push Start / Pause

Continue Match
Restart Match (Yes, No)
Quit Match (Yes, No)
Spirit Meter (On, Off)
Referee's Picture (On, Off)


To edit a wrestler, choose Wrestler Edit. You have to choose the wrestler, then you get a menu.

Wrestler's First and Last name (16 characters)
Wrestler's Last name (8 characters)
Wrestler's Outfit number
Wrestler's Headgear number
Color 1
Color 2
Color 3
Save Default

When you are inputting the names, you get a screen with Japanese characters. Either select the third option on the right, or push the down-C button twice to get the English letters. Enter the name then go to the last option on the right to save your entry.

Cycle through the wrestler's outfits and choose one. Not all of the wrestler's have the same outfits to choose from, for example, Hogan can not have an Ultimo Dragon outfit.

Certain wrestlers can also choose certain headgear, masks, glasses, scarfs, etc. If there is only one number (the outfit number), then that wrestler can not wear headgear.

There are three colors that you can change. They affect different parts of different outfits, so you have to play with them to see what they do.

If you like your changes, select Save. If you ever want to reset the wrestler to the way he was originally, select Default.

When ytu chose the wrestler, if his first outfit was highlighted, then the game will ask if you want to change his name on the other 3 outfits (outfits 2-4). For most wrestlers, like Ric Flair, you will choose YES (the top option). However, some wrestlers like Hogan, should have different names for different outfits, so you would choose NO (the bottom option).

When you choose NO, then on the screen where you choose which wrestler to edit, you will have to change the names on each outfit, individually. For example, on Hogan's black outfits, you would name him Hollywood Hogan, and on his yellow outfits, you'd name him Hulk Hogan.

In the DAW league, for one wrestler, two of the outfits are Hawk, and the other two are Animal, so you would name them likewise. Now I'm thinking that the wrestler in DAW that looks like Vader and Bigelow, are really both Vader and Bigelow, so I named them accordingly.