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Good Morning!

Thanks for visiting my page. My name is Richard, which you probably have already guessed. I am interested in many things. UFOs, doing just about anything and everything in the outdoors (from sports to four wheeling to cliff jumping), and who doesn't enjoy sitting around the campfire telling ghost stories? And one more thing that I just got into in the past year or so...TIMBERSPORTS! I hope to have a site up very shortly about the Sir Sandford Fleming Timbersports team. I hope you enjoy your stay. I haven't had a whole lot of time for this lately, but it is slowly growing so please come back regularly to see all of the improvements. Feel free to send comments, Top 10 lists, or any ideas you might have to make this a better site.

Last updated December 3, 2001

My Artistic Side
True Ghost Stories
UFOs: Believe It Or Not?
Rich's Funnie Pages
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