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New Elven Bladesinger Proficiency

Ahmaquissar Bladesong (1-2 slots)

This proficiency costs 1 slot. This bladesong style uses very fast strikes that come in from the oddest conceivable angles manageable by the lanky practitioners of this style. The wielder must be a Bladesinger or have the Bladesong proficiency. This fighting style comes from the idea that the user can kill off his enemies before they have a chance to mount a battle strategy. And while his enemy's try to follow his rhythms, he is speeding them on to their own demise at his hands. It is almost forgotten today, even amongst high level and ancient Bladesingers.

This style is comprised of very fast strikes. This style grants the Bladesinger a -1 bonus to his initiative with his or her chosen weapon. Like the Bladesong style, this style may be purchased twice to gain a -2 to initiative bonus. This proficiency is cumulative with single weapon style.

© John Brant. All rights reserved!

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