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Join Tayles Tail

Hey here you can join Tayles Tail! Itz a Hanson Club/Newsletter! The Newsletter comes out about every month! Like most Hanson newsletters there is a Taylor part, Isaac part, Zac Part, a Part for adds, Updates, & much more! To Join Tayles Tail all you gotta do it put your email address in the ListBot thingy & hit enter then fill out the form thingy! After that you will get an e-mail from ListBot asking if you want to join & then just hit reply & send! Don't write anything in the e-mail if you do then it won't work so just hit reply & send! thanks
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Tayles Tail Newsletters that have already been sent out!
If you aren't sure about joining Tayles Tail then go HERE
to read some of the already sent out Tayles Tail Newsletters!

