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Sunrise City


Northern Sunrise City
Southern Sunrise City
Eastern Sunrise City
Western Sunrise City

Map- Disclaimer, about me, links

North- Surfscape Beach: Catch a wave, chat with friends, blade on the boardwalk.

South- Cafe' Music: Munch on some info on cool new tunes, hear about new artists.

East- The Poetry Lounge: Hang out, drink a double latte, dig on some cool poetry.

West- The Mall: Check out the boutiques, bookstores, food court.

Okay, here it is. This page is created by Lucia.

I am an artist, I do all my own work.

I love Kauai, my home, because it is beautiful.

No tourists! So leave that camera behind.

Symbolism rocks!

The key to your heart lies in your soulmate's heart, and his or her key lies in your heart.

Love is forever. A kiss is for a moment.

If you get lost, for heaven's sakes, e-mail me and ask for directions!

"Land ahoy!", Treasure Island
