Something... But we don't know what.

*sunday, september 9

As you may have noticed there are some new things up around the site... And there's one in particular I wanted to get into here, which is the poem the link in the ani quote on the main page (yes, that's the main page). First of all, it doesn't actually have a title. This is a problem, but at least it exists. Secondly, I've decided I'm going to put the latest poem I've written that I think is acceptable for the "public" in that slot. The next thing I have to explain is poems as I know them. Basically, either you or I may think that what I've written sucks. And poetry written by teenagers is a common thing, I've come to discover, but I hate the adjective "adolescent" when it comes to poetry. Because while that may almost be a genre, I don't consider what I write to be "the norm." In fact, with writing, no matter what you've written, I don't believe there IS a norm. That's the way it works. Everything is just too different. So my point is, I like to put shit I've written up every once in a while, and I hope you can enjoy it ;)

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~check ya later

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