Something... But we don't know what.

*sunday, december 2

This weekend has been insane. Insanely GOOD. It was like life was tumbling down into this nexus of greatness that was my weekend. It was so amazing. First of all, Oz/Darkside was seriously one of the most amazing things I've ever experienced visually. I can't even begin to describe how it felt to hear the songs match up to the movie, and the way every time a song changed it hit me. Literally HIT me; I could feel it all through my body and I couldn't even deal with it. Kate had to, several times, tell me to be quiet. And then, of course, there's the line I'll never forget, thanks to our wonderful friend Tal: "crazy dog..."

Then it was cool because Angela and Julian slept over, and it was nice bonding time and whatnot... Even if we were all falling asleep on my kitchen tiles, it was awesome when me and Angela found smiley faces in the laces of our shoes (Julian left them there when he exited early to go to work) and just had the whole morning to talk and chill out in a space that wasn't school. I liked how she didn't want to leave: it made me so happy.

Then Kate came and helped me bake a cake for Greg. I've been telling Greg over and over that I'll bake him a cake because he always seems so upset. Even though I don't know him very well, I know he's a Mackdaddy (ie, OPERATION mackdaddy) and that he's fuckin hilarious and is nice all around, so I baked the cake. Yeeeah!

OKAy. Now here's Saturday, when we're going to this party at some guy Luke's house. And I didn't think I was going to have a good time, because ... well, I just didn't. But I get there, and I'm sure I've met this Luke. Kate couldn't come, because she was having Margaritas at the such-titled bar, which turned out to be right aroudn the corner... PLUS, she knows Luke, as the way I know him which is that he went to Deer Park. As we're walking to go tell Kate to show up at Luke's in an hour, Alistair (on his way to the party) yells "Mariea, you smell!" out the window of the Buglet. KEY. So Mariea turns and says to me "Alison, it's like we're in the Nexus of the Universe." And things only got stranger from there...

Sitting on the couch at Luke's house, which turned out to be a rockin good party with excellent tunes (and an EXTREMELY attractive guy who liked Led Zeppelin... whoo boy!) guess who walks in the door but CHARLOTTE... (Maria's friend)... So I'm going to greet her, and then in walks MARIA who I haven't talked to for 2 months!!! It was SO great- it was like all my good partying friends in ONE SPOT- that spot being the Nexus of the Universe, apparently, at Carlton and Parliament.

The night ended with me getting out of the cab at future's and then running non-stop all the way to spadina and bloor (the North-West corner) to find Julian, then staying at his house. Lily is so cool.

Spanky's pillows suck, so my neck hurts like a biatch, but LOOK WHAT I HAVE CREATED! That is, a cake, and the greatest couple of days I can only expect to be equalled once in the next 4 months.

POST SCRIPT: I just realized now, about 20 minutes after I posted this, that it was the headbanging (TNT by AC/DC and Bohemian Rhapsody by Queen) that did me in. Goddamn, my neck hurts!

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~check ya later

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