Something... But we don't know what.

*saturday, january 6

So, I did it. And I figured out a way to make it so that it won't take me forevers when I want to make a new page... Too long to explain, and not worth it. Today was nothing day... I've been trying to phase myself onto waking up at appropriate times for school... Obviously it's going nowhere, because I woke up at 1:30pm. When I was reading the paper, I thought it was Sunday. It was so horribly frightening. Because, as you should know (well, depending on who you are. But I assume with good reason that only my friends read this page), I hate Sundays. Sundaes, however, are gooda. I could go for one of those right now. I left my cake at Julia's. Technically, that's what a good guest does- leaves whatever food they brought. But I kinda wanted to take some home... That cake was my pride and joy. Russell said it's the best cake he's had. Especially cause he doesn't like chocolate cake (I know... he's a freak...).

Does anyone even USE Netscape anymore? Can you TELL this is blinking?

I remember (well, kinda... not really) the day I discovered how to make things blink. I thought it was the best thing (html-wise) to ever happen to me. It probably is. I don't actually know much about html at all. If I knew lotsa stuff about HTML, I'd make a better page. That is something that has been bothering me of late, the fact that my webpage is crappugly. Oh well. Spanky and Andrew are coming home tonight, I'm so excited. Mainly for Spanky (no offense, Andrew or anyone related)... Spanky is my most common cure for boredom. Then, of course, there's crack.

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~check ya later

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