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This is my freak page! I looked around and found some perdy weird stuff...so I decided to use it! hope you enjoy lookin' at weird stuff 'cause here's a lot of it!

This is just one of the funky pictures I got! keep goin' down for even more!

'Aint she perdy??

Hey look!!! It's uncle Lou!

Can you say...BURN OUT???

Grrrr! I'm a bad Mama jama!!!

Feel the wrath of PACO! Da monster with no teeth!

Awww! 'aint that the cutest couple??

If you look like this in the morning...you've got some problems!

I stink so bad, I live in a bubble!

these people need a good shave!

Somebody's gotta ease up on the twinkies!

Fight, fight, fight!

I don't know about you, but just looking at this makes me hurt! *ouch*

I don't have much to say about this one...

I know you want more of this wicked stuff, and this isn't all that I have, but yer gonna have to wait for me to finish the page before you can see the best ones!