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This site is under construction, there will be cool stuff soon. Come back in a week or so and see what happened. Until then, Paranoia is the coolest site to visit. And if you want info on hemp ...Hemp Linx! Oh, if you have anything you'd like to complement this site with about anything remotely related, send it to me to Please remember that drugs are a very serious thing. Not something to use carelessly. I in no way condone the use of any drugs for any purpose other than medical. :-) Oh yeah, and if anyone would like to e-mail me information about web rings, I'd like to join some.

Rating System

* boring!
** ah, okay...
*** Decent
**** Cool!
**** + Wow!

Presently Unsorted

Alternative Lifestyles****+
North Florida Shroom Guide****+
Pot Game (Crop Command)****
Freshly Baked, the band***


Medical Marijuana Info****+
JLF Catalog****+
Campaign for the Regulation and Restoration of Hemp****+
Cannabis Store in AmsterDam****
Colorado Hemp Initiative Project****
Marijuana Man****
Ask Ed On-Line (books, grow tips, etc.)****
High Times****
Px Drugs Without a Px****
Trippy Screen Savers***

Drug Info

Blue Honey****+
The Entheogen****+
Schaffer Drug Library****+
The Lycaeum****+
Paranoia's Drug Server****+
Sputnik Drug Server****
DXM zine ****
Drug Stuff****
Dazed and ConfusedHas the potential for being **** when finished
Term Papers****


Psychedelic and Underground Books***
Book on Marijuana Laws***
Loompanics Unlimited***

Scales, Pipes and Paraphanalia

Peace Pipe Glass Works****
Rocket Smoking Accesories****
Phat Glass****
Precision Weighing Balences****
BongMan Water Pipes***
Odyssey, Scales and Smoking Accesories***
The Underground Shopper***
Small Zip Top Baggies***

Hemp Stuff

Hemp Linx****
Ecolution (Importers and Distributers of Hemp***
Hemp Web***

Seed Banks and Growing and Cooking Tips

Lauging Moon, Grow tips and Seeds***
Seed Bank***
Hans, Marijuana Grower and Cook

Grow Supplies

Mushroom Magic****
Alternative Garden Supply****
Magic Gems Products***
Stand Up Gardens***
Psylocybe Fanaticus***
