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Mixing DXM and Ecstasy

Subject: Just out of curiousity (E and DXM)
From: "Chris Coleman"
Date: Sun, 03 October 1999 10:13 PM EDT
Message-id: <01bf0e0f$0b2f22c0$258c39cc@c.colema>

I have heard before that DXM and MDMA are basically opposites, and Robert's post stating this reminded me of it. Purely out of curiousity, what would happen if someone were to take them together? Let's say that you took equal amounts of each (by equal amounts I mean equal intensity, not necessarily the same physical weight).


The ever-popular song lyric signature: overused, but still a classic!
e-mail: colemn at whidbey dot net
What you really need is sincerity. Once you can fake that, you've got it made.
Alternative is more than numbers 1,2,3,and 4. It's 5,6,7,8,and 9.
-The Mr. T Experience

Subject: Re: Just out of curiousity (E and DXM)
From: "Robert F. Golaszewski"
Date: Sun, 03 October 1999 10:41 PM EDT
Message-id: <7t94r9$26qg$>

Chris Coleman wrote in message

(editors's note: quote snipped, see previous post)

Could be bad news. Both DXM and MDMA, IIRC, use the CYP2D6 liver enzyme for metabolism. That definitely will not be good for DXM, and possibly lead to a psychotic trip. As for the MDMA side, I'm not overly familiar as to exactly what the pharmacology is. The DXM will definitely alter MDMA effects. Quite possibly for the worse. I'd need to know exactly what the metabolic pathways are for MDMA, and about active metabolites. Even then, this would involve differential equations to even model, and that is a little beyond my abilities. Also, how do you compare the "intensity" of a MDMA roll to a DXM trip? That is arbitrary, and whatever numbers in mg/kg doses for each drug one chooses will vastly alter the equations. Personally, these two I wouldn't even *think* of mixing.

-Robert F. Golaszewski

"If God did not exist, it would be necessary to invent him."


for the best general interest site on the Net about
DXM (dextromethorphan) used recreationally.

Also, The DXM FAQ is at If you
want to know about DXM: READ IT!

Subject: Re: Just out of curiousity (E and DXM)
From: (MuseLore)
Date: Mon, 04 October 1999 12:28 AM EDT
Message-id: <>

I actually did this about 3 weeks ago, sorta by mistake. I took some E (one pill- dolphin) and thought it was bunk, cuz 3 hours later I still wasnt feeling it. Then my boyfriend came home and wanted to take some DXM, so we did that too. 4 oz of robo max. I basically LOST 28 hours. I just lay on the bed, completely out of it. I felt like i was out of my body the whole time. And some of my thoughts were taking on some negative conotations. I wasn't scared exactly, but I kept thinking about how nothing much mattered. Certainly not your normal E-love-rush type of think, and not the floaty nice feeling you can sometimes get from DXM. I slept for about 6 hours, woke up STILL high. All and all, it was 4 full days before I felt normal again. So mixing E and DXM is not something I would suggest. It wasnt a completely horrible experience, but it wasn't fun either, and the 4 day recovery window was a bit much.

Just my imput,

Subject: Re: Just out of curiousity (E and DXM)
From: "Robert F. Golaszewski"
Date: Mon, 04 October 1999 12:49 AM EDT
Message-id: <7t9bnt$18je$>

MuseLore wrote in message

(editor's note: quote snipped, see previous post)

Definitely then DXM and MDMA can be a bad mix. Since you have used DXM before, we can rule out hypersensitivity. Must be some sort of rotten interaction going on.

-Robert F. Golaszewski

"If God did not exist, it would be necessary to invent him."


for the best general interest site on the Net about
DXM (dextromethorphan) used recreationally.

Also, The DXM FAQ is at If you
want to know about DXM: READ IT!

Subject: Re: Just out of curiousity (E and DXM)
From: "Chris Coleman"
Date: Mon, 04 October 1999 08:16 PM EDT
Message-id: <01bf0ec7$f461e3c0$108c39cc@c.colema>

Robert F. Golaszewski wrote:

> Also, how do you compare the "intensity" of a
> MDMA roll to a DXM trip?

You're right, there really is no way. It's like comparing apples and oranges. I just meant a fairly intense experience with both, like getting the full effects out of each of them at the same time, how would they interact?
Though I guess you can't even really say "full effects" with DXM, since it isn't really a buildup of effects but a whole different set of them on different plateaus. I don't know, I'm just confusing myself now. Thanks for the info,
