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mokum Amsterdam

WELCOME TO MY AMSTERDAM WEBPAGE. Amsterdam is the capital city of The Netherlands. It's a wonderfull city. I think it's also one of the most beautiful cities on earth. There are so many things what you can do here. You never have to bore yourself when you are here and I can recommend everybody to visit this great city. I shall divide this page in some parts.
In one part, you can see a lot of images of the city of Amterdam.
At the other page you can see some nice places which I recommend you to visit. On this page you can find also a short report of myself. With photo's of my last visit in Amsterdam in the Madame Tussaud Museum.
And on the third page, I'll put some hotels (and their links/adresses), which I think are nice places for a visit.
Thank you for visiting this city and I hope you enjoy this very much.

Greetings, Jessica Eekels
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Jessica Eekels.

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