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Hi Everyone!!!

Emilie! You're simply the best. nuff said :) Edward! hey man! let me know how it's goin..... Heather D. Thanks so much for being a great mentor! Barry! Hey "dad!" Congratualations on the new arrival! She's the cutest baby in the whole world!..... Robyn!! what up? coffee sometime, ok??..... Jen Essex!! Never change cuz you are the nicest person!..... Jesse!! How's school? Are you buddys with Chris and Gordon now? They're the coolest guys!..... Mike H- Hey man! .... James(Jimbo, Jimmy, Jim) How's work going? Golf trip 2000! Look forward to it!..... Glenn D! Hey man! What are you up to on October 29-31? I know what I'm doing!!..... Caitlin! Thanks for being a great Math/French buddy and an awesome friend..... David Hewitt! Too bad you can't come to CaNaDa!..... CALLOW! Jason? Hello? Are you there??? PICK UP THE PHONE! Callow I know you're there!!..... Rob! You messa witta family, I busta you up!..... Kyle! When are you coming up to visit? We all miss ya man! Oh yeah. Mr Goddard wants his Jazz band book back!..... Jeff!! Hey dude! I bet you they won't play this song on th...Hmmmm I wasn't expecting this sort of Spanish Inquisition.... BOOOOOMMMMM!!!! NNNNOOOOOBODY EXXXXPECTS THE SPANISH INQUISITION!!!!! .....Scott "60 gigs" Millie! Hey Scott "M"..... Jake Seibert! Free weapons whatever!.....Dave Jutzi! See you at commencement! Hope U of T's a blast!.....Sarah B! What's up? Lookin forward to the MEga multi million musical or whatever :) Hmmm. how's Mr 50 year old!??..... Sarah H! Ok ok ok. enough with the sparkles!! Thanks for always being there!..... Jonboy! Hey dude how's it goin? Announcement BOys will take over the world someday!!!..... Megs! Rawlinson will also take over the world...right? :)

If there's anyone I've missed, PLEASE TELL ME!!

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