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Brumm's Mole Art Gallery

Brumm's Mole Art Gallery

Wulcome traveller! Thois is moi home!
You are walking along a dusty old path. After days of travelling around Southsward , you stumbled, then fell near a large burrow with a door . You wake up, and knock on the door , hoping to get some help . A big, burly mole answers the door and helps you inside . "Hurr hurr, 'ullo truveller , Oim Brumm , a moler. Ploise com in , un' moike yurself at 'ome . ". You look around the small cosy home . " Oim an artoist . Yurr moi exploirr my abdode , and naow oi must attend to my painting .Hurr hurr hurr! " He leaves you to explore his burrow.

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  • Follow this burrow to the gallery to see the pictures Brumm has drew

  • Go to the Kitchen to eat some food if you're hungry

  • Please read the diary to read what's changed here

  • Come to the tunnels to go somewhere else!

  • See the Award Room to see the awards my Gallery won!

    travellers have visited my gallery

    Last updated on the 20th of August


    Brumm's Mole Art gallery and it's pictures are © Brumm 1998-1999. All rights reserved.