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Christal's Chaotic Page banner

Hi! My name is Christal, and I'm 15 and in grade 11. My favorite shows are: Sailor Moon, Reboot, ShadowRaiders (also known as: WarPlanets), Astroboy, Buffy, Friends, and others I can't recall at the moment.

Mainframe Chaos Thunder Dragon Moonlight Destiny


I have compleated my site: Thunder Dragon; A Shrine to Sailor Jupiter. It's really nice.

I've also renovated and majorly updated Mainframe Chaos (my ReBoot webpage). It's very very nice, so if you like ReBoot, i recommend you visit! ;)

I've also done some major remodelling of Moonlight Destiny. It's not finished yet, but It's getting there. When it's done, it'll be an awesome site! Gauruntee!

Other then that and changing the background of this page, nothing new has actually happened.

The song you are listening to is; La Soldier.

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