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Are you a Hanson scholar? Take my quiz to find out!


1. Hanson's main shoe source is: a.Payless b.London Underground c.Delia's 2. Which Hanson is a perfectionist? a.Taylor b.Isaac c.Zac 3. On what date was baby Zoe born? a.March 1st b.July 23rd c.January 14th 4. Who is zac closest to? a.Isaac b.Mackie c.Jessie 5. Taylor prefers: a. creamy peanut butter b.chunky peanut butter c. none, he hates peanut butter 6. Jessie & Avie's comforter at home is: and white and blue 7. Their nanny's name is: a. Janet b. Eva c. Leilani 8. In TT&MON, at the monkey forest part, who's the person wearing shorts that you can only see their legs? a.Diana b.Taylor c.Isaac 9. The part of the MMMBOP video that is in a house, where is it realy being filmed? a. Hanson's house b. the dust brother's studio c. In a hotel 10. Hanson refers to their fans as: a. the hotties b. the freak fest c. the scream squad answers: 1 (b) 2 (a) 3 (c) 4 (b) 5 (a) 6 (a) 7 (b) 8 (c) 9 (b) 10 (c)
