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Sad enough, Hanson got 0 Grammies... there is always next year, and the year after that, and the year after that, and the year after that ... then they'll be in like their late teens, and maybe by then if they haven't won any yet they can start to worry.....j/k

I saw the Weird video today, it was really good, I think it's their best video so far.... It was a fluke that I saw it too, I was just walking by the T.V. and it was on.

Important: FROM ET- Subscribe to the best and newest entertainment newsletter ever! We'll have interviews with top stars, movie and CD reviews, and you can decide whats hot, and whats not!!! Email me at , to receive this newsletter in your own mailbox! Tell all your friends! Here's the catch: We need 10,000 subscribers to get interiews with major performers/actors! For example, Hanson, Leonardo DiCaprio, Will Smith etc. Please help us, by putting an ad on your site for me, or telling ALL your friends to sign up! Its like a contes, who's the hottest performer/actor? Tell us, once you've subscribed! We'll see who wins! (if put on your site please notify her..)

Thank-Yous- Shanny

Heidi,the nut

Sarah, (who made my awsome banner)


Tanya, Sheri, and Tania for letting me use their pictures.

Ali Teague for top 10




and if I forgot anyone just tell me

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