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What is the F.M. Alexander Technique?
These links provide access to a wealth of information about the Alexander Technique.
Why the Alexander Technique? 
Quote of F.M. Alexander 
Deutsche Seiten 
  • A history of the Alexander Technique 
  • An intro and short history of the Technique. 
  • A general introduction to the Alexander Technique 
  • Alexander Technique International - The Home of ATI, a professional world-wide organization for the Technique offering many links and ressources. It also contains information about upcoming events and workshops.
  • Articles on the Alexander Technique - Go to ATI's growing collection of over 65 Alexander related articles
  • A Complete Guide to the Alexander Technique - A comprehensive set of links, articles and references to information about Alexander resources on the web--compiled by Robert Rickover. 
  • The Alexander Bookstore - This is part of Robert's excellent site (see above). You can order many Alexander books on-line via a partnership with Amazon books.
  • LearningMethods - David Gorman's extensive pages from Europe (includes many on-line articles) 

  • DIRECTION Journal - the new web site of the independent journal on the Alexander Technique. 

    Note: These links represent just a very small part of the information which is available on the Internet about the Technique. The suggestions come from ATI. (The contents of these pages does not necessarily reflect the views of the author.)  

     E-mail an Mark Webster