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The Twenty Duesie Commandment (plus one)

Thou shalt maintain the right
Thou shalt worship none but Benton Fraser
Thou shalt always hold the door
Thou shalt not fish over the limit
Thou shalt always say TYK
Thou shalt always wear red serge
Thou shalt treasure the Riv over all motor vehicles
Thou shalt never touch the Riv lighter or book
Thou shalt know the wieght of a pound of nails on Pluto
Thou shalt always carry a tuning fork
Thou shalt not commit lascivious acts
Thou shalt not strike another with an otter, be it dead or alive.
Thou shalt not take the Chevy instead of the Plymoth
Thou shalt not "best" the wolf
Thou shalt build a bathroom in thy cabin
Thou shall threaten to "kick mih in the head"
Thou shalt not chase a man over a cliff
Thou shalt pin thy wallet to thine wallet to thine underware
Thou shalt not blow thine former partner's carefully built up cover
Thou shalt not eat anything with a badge on it