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Hi, Welcome to the Asylum

We're under majour construction here at the asylum. Pardon the mess. New stuff coming soon.



Go to The Hunger Site!!! Help save lives. While your there, stop by the rainforest, childhod AIDS, and the other pages. All you do is click and you help save lives!!

Welcome to The Asylum for the Clinically Bored. I'm the director Amanda Beth, please make yourself at home. Feel free to wander around, enjoy our many activities, and kill some time. We encourage you to sign the registery . Just please, no sharp objects beyond this point.

The Library
The TV Room
The Office


My Ode To The Choir....its not what you think


A few note worthy sayings:
"Any error that can creep in, will. It will be in the direction that will do the most damage to the calculation.-Murphy's Law
"The value of life lies not in the length of days, but in the use we make of them." -Montaigne
"I don't know the key to success, but the key to failure is trying to please everybody." -Bill Cosby
"Anger is a thief who steals away the nice moments." -Joan Lunden courtesy of Reader's Digest
"The truth can kill you or set you free"-Catherine Parker courtesy of Lauren
"The thing about our choices is after we have made them, they turn around and make us."-Anon.

"Mary had a little lamb,
With green peas on the side,
And when her escort got the bill,
The poor bloak nearly died."

Useless fact for the week: (Hey, it takes up some space)
Each year hospitals accidently diagnose 100,000 living people as dead.

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