me in retrospect
days left until i graduate. i'm a senior in my last term of highschool. i've basically chosen where i'm going next year (virginia tech), so i've got a BAD case of senioritis, but who cares! right now i'm on spring break and i should really be partying or something, but instead i'm working on this homepage. i can be a fun person i guess, but when it really comes down to it, i'm a really big loser. i like to go out with my friends and stuff, but i find the most enjoyment out of staying home alone and watching movies or working on my homepage. hahha, yay me.
full name
date of birth

kim-anh ha
kimmy, sau, etc.
february 5, 1985
vietnamese american
northern virginia
george c. marshall hs
yearbook: sports editor and mini-mag co-editor; boys' tennis manager
playing tennis, watching movies, crazy adventures, etc.
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