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The Air Walk was broken, so we got to deboard the plane by those cool roller stairs. :)

Here's Mital Pital and Swati on the runway. This is about three seconds before we walked into hell. Mexican customs is basically a two-hour cattle herd in an un-air-conditioned room with glass ceilings. But once you get out, they let you go to Cancun!

This is their bread company. No one down there thinks it's funny.

Here we are outside the astronomy building at Chichen Itza, a Mayan archaeological site somewhere in Yucatan. I don't think that's actually what it's called, but it looks like that building near SERC, doesn't it? The one with the telescope thing on top. Besides, I had food poisoning this day, so my brain was operating on powersave.

This is a big temple, isn't it?

Here's me trying to climb El Castillo, the big pyramid at Chichen Itza. I climbed about ten steps, then sat down for awhile to recover. Them nachos got me good. Eventually I got all the way to the top. You don't know your limits until you climb a ten-story pyramid with food poisoning.

Swati and Mital at the top of the temple. Don't look down!

Ewww, can't I just get airlifted?

This place is WEIRD. It's called a cenote (say-no-tay, if you care) and it's an underground well that constantly replenishes its water supply. We went to the one at Ik-Kil, just outside of Chicen Itza. George was scared of the catfish swimming in it. It was gorgeous, and cold (ahhh) and there were waterfalls. It's 120 feet deep. It's too bad I'm not literate enough to put all those facts in some coherent order.

We're clever! This is us before we left for Carlos and Charlie's.

Swati on the beach at Playa Delfines. This was about five miles from our hotel (we were on Playa Linda) but it looked so pretty from the van that we decided to take a bus and swim there.

Fun fact we learned while taking this picture: The sand at Playa Delfines is composed of tiny seashell shards that stick to your skin through several showers.

Here are the Tips as they accumulate several pounds of sand in their bathing suits. .

Ya, you vant some fro-yo? It vill pump you up.

One last picture of me and Georgie on the beach. :)