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WarZone Pictures

Created Wrestler
Cage #1
UT vs Ahmed in a Cage
Moves Pop Up screen
NO Ropes
No Pants
Chest Hair
Puple Tights
THRASHER all Over Kane
Mankind Pose
Austin vs Micheals
Austin Pose
Austin Backbreaker
Micheals in DX tights
The UnderTaker
Goldust dragging UT
UT close up
Shamrock vs Farrooq
Shamrock close up
Shamrocks ready
Austin is in Control
Back Down
Bulldog vs UT next
NOD vs Bulldog & Mankind
Owen in a sleeper
Owen close up
Hitman vs Micheals
Low Blow
Bulldog Suplex's Owen
Piledriver To HHH
Faarooq chokes Austin
UT stares at Austin
Bad seats
UT & The Bulldog selction screen
Owen & The Bulldog selection screen
Mankind taking it to HBK
Ahmed Suplex on HBK
Ahmed bodyslams HBK
Mankind Pildrives HBK
High Camera view
Sharpshooter on Owen
Ahmed & Micheals Lock it up
Mankind & Micheals Lock it up
Mankinds got Goldust
Bret & Ahmed selection screen
Faarooq on Austin
UnderTaker stairs down Austin
Faarooqs about to get droped
Goldust with a pin
Austins about to get droped
Brets after Micheals
Brets in some trouble
Mankind sets up for a low blow
Bret sets up Helmsley
A sell out crowd
Bulldog snap suplex on Owen
This move should be x rated
Lets see that from another angel
Bulldog & the Undertaker
Getting Back up
The Undertaker
Pearl River Plunge
Mankind On top of things
Mankind in some trouble
Ahmed Piledriver
Chooseing a Wrestler
Wrestler Side View
Owen & The Bulldog
Watch out Mankind!
Wheres Goldust Going?
Goldust With A falling Headbutt
Goldust with the takedown
Ahmed vs Helmsley
Stone Cold vs Mankind
Ahmed vs Shamrock
Undertaker vs Bulldog
Shamrock recieves a Triple H crossbody
UnderTaker is gonna drop The Rock
Rock with The Roll Up
Goldust with a hip toss
This is gonna hurt
The Big Slam
Bulldog with the pin
Owen takes on Hunter In Steel Cage
Austin picks up Micheals
Hunter is gonna plant Owen
Owen & Hunter climbing the cage
Create a player
Shamrock taking on the Rock
Austins got Micheals again
4-way brawl
Undertaker with a piledriver
Cage View in the distance
Cactus with a table
Mankinds got the Rock
Micheals squares off with himself
Micheals off the top
Kane from the top
Undertaker with a choke slam on his brother
Micheals leaping onto the bulldog
Kane locks up with Kane
Ahmed with Mosh
Michaels drop kicks Bret
Austin picks up Faarooq
Austin letting Farrooq down
Cactus nails Kane with a chair
Michaels piledriving the bulldog
Austin gives faarooq powerbomb
Bulldog gets piledrove
Kane gets naild wit a table
Cactus off the top
Kane going through a table
Austin all over Faarooq
Backbody drop
Kane gets choke slammed
