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Interview With Iguana

Is there a limit on the amount of created wrestlers you can make and also how much pages will that take up on the memory card? Also how much memory does the game itself take up?

We use 2 out of the 15 blocks on the memory card. You can save up to 30 wrestlers per card. The number of wrestlers you can make in the custom room should be well over 1000 different wrestlers because you can mix and match some many different pieces to make up a costume. (Note: This translates to about 14-20 blocks on a regular N64 memory pak with 121 blocks)

Will you be able to select the wrestler's moves and finisher when you create a wrestler? In addition will you be able to select taunts and music for your wrestler? Can you decide if a wrestler is a face (good guy) or a heel (a bad guy)?

You will be able to select the wrestler move set from the original 16 wrestlers and from some we make up. A finisher move will always be included in the set.

Can the player select when a wrestler interferes or will it be random? Can you form alliances by having a wrestler help you when your getting beat up by the computer's run-in mate and thus setting up a tag-team grudge match?

We haven't decided if the interference will be random or selected by the player. I prefer player selected but we are still debating the issue. Grudge matches in the WWF Challenge are random.

Man it was fun wrestling in WWF Raw and knocking out the ref so many times that he just got upset and left, will this feature be in the game :) Also will the referee call for countouts, pinfalls, disqualifications, and submissions when their appropriate? Like if you use a foreign object in a regular match and the ref sees it, you'll get dq'ed. Finally if a wrestler submits will he "tap out"?

I remember enjoying beating the ref senseless on Raw. Unfortunately, we are not going to have a ref. The extra body in the ring has too many drawbacks and not enough benefits.

You mentioned in our last interview that their will be titles in the game. Will you be able to win any of the following in the game: Heavyweight, Intercontinental, European, Lightweight and/or Tag-Team? If so will you be able to save the belt onto the memory card and wrestle a friend, and if he wins it he is that specific champ. Is there a Bet a Belt/Create a Belt feature where you make your own fantasy title and be able to defend against any of your friends at anytime?

This is a very good idea. I distributed your email and we are going to discuss implementing this one. We have decided to include your idea for the belt passing among players. If you have a saved wrestler with a belt. The belt can be taken away by another player.

How do you progress up the ladder in this mode? Is it a tower system, single elimination, win/loss record or something else?

It is a single elimination pyramid. You start at the bottom and work your way to the top by obtaining the different belts. You have to face 12 wrestlers plus some number of grudge matches. Each match gets harder as you climb to the top. The 12 wrestlers are randomly selected from the original 16 and are different each time you start a new Challenge.

Will planchas and dives out of the ring be included in the game? Are set-up moves being included in the game to setup for the finishers (Ex. Bret's elbow drop from the middle rope or Mavia's delayed elbow drop)?

We will definitely be doing moves outside the ring both over the top rope and from the turnbuckle. We don't have setup moves

Will the War Zone theme song be implemented into the game and are the wrestlers theme songs complete in MIDI format for the N64?

We are very strong on sound for both psx and n64 platforms. We have Titan produced music throughout the game including wrestler themes. We are also including crowd chants and cat calls as a mechanism for game play. When your player is winning the crowd will yell positive things for you and negative things against your opponent.

Will wrestlers have more then one uniform you can choose? Like Owen in his Blue Blazer, King of Harts, and Black Hart uniforms. Also a lot of people want to be able to choose Cactus Jack and Dude Love as the alternate uniforms of Mankind.

Each wrestler will have 2 costumes. We have gone through and updated the costumes to be more current.

In an overwhelming fashion the majority of the public that sent me e-mail wanted the British Bulldog and Bret Hart kept in the game. In addition will they be size porportioned? The game is probably to far in development to get new wrestlers, but I found out what wrestlers my readers would like in the game other then the ones featured and I found out that besides (Dude Love and Cactus Jack) that my readers wanted to see: Vader, followed closely by Jeff Jarett, and Chainshaw Charlie (Terry Funk). For tag teams, they would like to see the New Age Outlaws and the Legion of Doom. And finally they want to see some lightweights such as Taka Michnoku and Brian Christopher.

We will be keeping Bret Hart and Bulldog. We are very glad to hear the fans still want them. We were hoping that would be the case. The new wrestlers are: Shamrock, Kane, Thrasher and Mosh.

Will wrestlers be able to sustain injuries during the course of the WWF Challenge mode and if so, will wrestlers like HBK/Ahmed Johnson be more injury prone, like they are in real life? And if you work on a body part during the course of the match, will you be able to get a possible submission easier on that specific part of the body?

Players will react to painful hits but these reactions will not effect game play.

In one of the most requested options in the game is blood, will it be included? If so, will it look like a wrestler just "bladed" themselves in real life? One suggestion would be to have the wrestler leave blood stains on the mat and also the wrestler could get unconscious if he wrestles too long with a cut.

If time permits we will have blood for weapons and cage match.

Will managers be included in the game like Chyna, Luna, Paul Bearer, and Sable (if Mero is included)?

No Managers

What stadiums and what wrestling mats (Royal Rumble, Wrestlemania...) are in the game? Also if a wrestler is wrestling in his hometown (home country) and he gets booed everywhere else, he should get cheered at home (Ex. Bret Hart gets booed in the states and is loved in Canada).

The stadium is the same but the crowd will recognize heels and faces and respond accordingly.

A lot of readers expressed interest in having the ability to fight on the "ramp" leading up to the ring, do moves through the announcers table, and to "beat up" Ross/McMahon in their ringside seating.

Our weapons list includes: Table, TV monitor, Camera, ring bell, etc.

Another innovative feature that one of my readers suggest was one of instant replays where after the match the game shows a replay of the turning points of the match. Just an idea.

No plans for instant replay in this version

This is a very good suggestion... If you ever played the NBA Live series you know that you could enter a former athlete's name who doesn't appear in the game, but when you enter his name in the create a player screen he pops up automatically with the right background, physical attributes, and looks just like him. This is how EA got over the hump of paying money for licesenses of players like Michael Jordan and Magic Johnson. This could also apply to this wrestling game where the player types in "Hulk Hogan" and even though he is in another federation, he pops up with all the right attributes and the player doesn't have to fiddle with anything. And you could put a little disclaimer saying "All characters portrayed in this game that are based on real or past people is strictly coincidentally". Thus the programers could program more characters without them being "hidden" characters.

We are trying to make the custom room list of costumes varied enough for the fans to create a wide variety of different wrestlers.

Before you asked me for a suggestion on stats well here they are: there should be a user record option included in the game where you type your name in and it tracks your wrestler(s) win-loss record, shortest/longest match, submissions, dqs, pinfalls, countouts, tkos, titles held, longest title run, shortest title run and options like that which you can compare with your friends. For the WWF Challenge mode it should have features like the above mentioned as well.

We followed your suggestion on the belt idea mentioned above and we are including some of the ones mentioned here. Custom wrestlers attributes can improve by winning more fights. By account for this, we can rank the custom wrestlers. This plus how many belts you have taken from your friends will make for a great way of comparing with other people.

If and when the 64DD comes out, will you be planning on to use it to add updates to this game? Possibly for more matches like Casket, Hell in the Cell, and Barb Wire as well as added wrestlers. Or like an added WWF simulation where you make your own cards, ppvs, what happens, outcomes... etc.

I can't really say anything about this yet.

A lot of readers were disappointed about the fact that there won't be ring entrances like the old arcade game WWF Wrestle Fest. Readers offered suggestions that the ring entrances would just involve cinemas using the actual polygons, so it wouldn't take up space.

We are working on this.

Also I hope you can clarify these two topics: WCW Nitro for the Playstation had horrible control and it completely ruined the game. They strayed away from copying of Asmik's Japanese wrestling games. Wrestling fans plead to you not to make your controls in the direction of WCW Nitro, but rather in the opposite direction like WCW vs. nWo and to a certain extent like your WWF games for the 16-bit machines. One thing that one of my keen readers picked up on was in one of the movies where Goldust kept on getting back up after being knocked down constantly. It is wondered if you will be able to trade moves back and forth like Nitro until your energy is depleted or if this was just to display the graphics of the game.

Just to display the graphics

Nitro was plagued with this problem because there is no realistic flow of the game and the fun comes when you can come back from being down and try to win back the match realistically unlike trading hits over and over again.

We are hoping treat it more a real wrestling match where a player has an opportunity to turn the match around if he can get his/her act together. If you watch the WWF tapes, the wrestlers changes whose winning throughout the match. The following are our gameplay goals:

1. Keep the control simple so people can do more of the cool looking moves more easily.
2. Create skill mechanisms so a better player wins most of the time. Allow player's to figure out how to get better.
3. Try to make it seem like real wrestling and keep the game play fun and exciting.

Old Interview with Iguana
