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Why we love Mommy & Daddy...

This is our Mommy and Daddy.We love them very much.

Our mommy is 25 yrs old and is a full time mommy,she also works part time at a daycare and a clothing store.Mom's name is Veronica Pauline but everyone calls here Vickie. Some of her favorite things to do are,take us to the playground,tole painting,riding bike,camping,ski dooing and reading us bedtime stories.Mommy is also a beaver leader and has been for 2 years now.

Our daddies name is Rodney Donald but everyone calls him Rod.He is 29 yrs old and is a Heavy Equiptment Operator.Daddy also owns his own company and has ALOT of Tractors and play things. He loves riding Motorcycles,camping,ski dooing,moose hunting(he don't eat it he just looks for them,but never finds them..hehehe),and restoring old Motorcycles. He has just finished restoring a 1975 Honda CBX,and boy does it look good!I can't wait to go for a ride.

~~~Meet Mommy and Daddy~~~

Mommy and Daddy the day they got married.
