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The writing on the wall


Some times things just seem so obvious to us that they jump right out at you "like duh…"

But as so often as it happens, it is the obvious that eludes us or is overlooked.

The answer is usually right in front of us, but…

Too often the right answer is not what we are looking for.

It's usually the easy way out that comes to mind and the truth is often lost in our own self-rightness.

 Each of us needs to take a long hard look into our own soul and come to a Self-realization as compared to the rest of world.

Nobody wants to be so self-centered that it's sickening yet none of us is so insignificant that we don't make a difference.

It is that balance between self and others that makes us who we are.

Everything we do or say effects someone or some thing in one way or another.

 Perhaps it is the tyranny of the urgent that keeps us from the truth.

Some times we just get so busy that the tasks take control of us instead of us being in control.

And then there are the times that we know what we should be doing but choose to do something else.

In any case, we must accept the consequence of our actions.
