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Try as we must
A poem for Michiru and Haruka by Ten'ou Noriko

Try as we must
We must turn away
From the personal problems
Facing today
Why must we sacrifice,
Waste our tears,
In the pain we've had
For so many years.
We must carry on
Our laughing masks.
Carry on
Forget of our pasts.
The future's direction
Is in my palm
I bleed before the world
I must remain calm.
Try as we must
To save our land
Die if we must
At our own hand.
We'll fight for our peace,
Fight for our right.
Return home,
To drop our masks at night.
Two timer of feelings
Black on white,
Why must I abandon all,
And leave to fight.
Is it the end we're fighting ,
Or is it us.
Try if we must,
We'll die if we must,
We'll kill if we must,
We'll lie if we must,
We'll hide if we must,
We'll abide if we must,
We'll try if we must,
We'll carry on if we must,
We must we must,
Our feelings are dust.
Try as we might,
Is it worth the fight?
To return to our homes,
To find tears in the night.

all rights reserved

Welcome to Try As We Must: A Haruka Michiru shrine. All Stories are by Ten'ou Noriko! Ask me if you want to post any, if you don't, I'll hunt you down! Enjoy the page! There are great pictures and stories! Enjoy your surroundings of Haruka and Michiru, the two greatest Senshi in the universe. Don't forget to sign the guestbook! and bookmark and link!

the mean the writing is a new addition
Angel standing by

The Vampire Ten'ou



The Moon: An Usagi story (with appearances by Haruka and Michiru)
Churches: A One Act play (non smoon related..gomen)

Author biography, an explain all
A haruka Michiru Quiz!

Sailormoon rpg

The saddest movie clip you'll ever ever ever see from the haruka shrine

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animated image gallery


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My adopted Senshi!! YEAH!!

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All characters of Sailormoon belong to Takeuchi Naoki and Taoi industries, saban and whomever has rights. NOT dic dub, suz this ain't dicdub writing and I despise dicdub...::cough:: anyways...this stuff belongs to them unless otherwise mentioned. that girl's (Naokisama) a genius and deserves the world for bringing me the pleasure of this show. it's not only a show but a crutch for me since it has brought me out of many depressions and writer's block and has generally helped me. Thankyou Naokisama.

Animated Sailormoon

I support this with ALL my heart!!
