Voice Actors-Most of the American voice actors who take part in dubbing anime can be described with one word- CRAP. If you noticed they show no quality such as in emotions and meaning. With them talking the character loses it's true characteristics. Plus, why must they use stupid "hick" voices for characters? No way would a Japanese anime be degraded like that. But this is America.... what kind of example are they trying to show?
Theme Song-Oh God what is this crap? Is this the best an American company can do? 9 words... yeah, I guess this is how high their creativity level is. I guess they fired the guy who wrote the theme song to Dragon Ball(which was okay). Are they using some outreach program to give jobs to 1st graders? It seems like a first grader wrote this song...which would be sad, since it shows that they're to poor to hire real song writers.

Voices- Decide for yourself
American Gohan
Episodes- Now I know that no one can disagree with me that they show re-runs of this show. Most of you and especially those people who emailed me asking when new episodes are going to show are getting angry about that. Me, I don't care since I don't watch anymore. But doesn't it suck that you'll probably see the Cell series in about 2 years? The Freezer/Goku battle is a long one. Me having seen it about 5x now practically knows what's going to happen next. Too bad for those who have no connections.
Voice Actors-The Japanese voice actors are something that the U.S. will probably never be, Professionals. I mean these are hardcore dedicated actors. They even go to classes to train thier voices and how to be able sound like a character should be. So even though you might not like Japanese talking, you have to respect their dedication on trying to make an anime character sound more down to earth.

Theme Song-Now the Japanese theme song is something to be proud of. It's well composed, blends sounds, and has meaning. This song is probably the best theme song in terms of anime. The best part about this is it's obviously longer than the American version. The good thing about being long is that it builds up excitement and anticipation for the episode to start. Who knew theme songs could be exciting?

Voices- Decide for yourself

Episodes-What can you see say but "yay." After seeing an episode you can't wait till the next, since they show previews, a short description and won't do that re-runs. Clearly this way of showing episodes is unsurpassed. No one gets angry, makes anticipation high, and won't turn people off from waiting to see if a new episode is going to come up.