~Freeza Saga~

The Freeza Series

The Freeza Series is probably the best series out of the whole DBZ in my opinion. This is my favorite series because the villian in this series is completely the best! Even his voice is cruel yet cool. Originally, this series was suppose to be the last one according to Akira Toriyama. But he changed his mind and added 3 more series, the Android, Cell, and Buu.

The Freeza series takes place right after the Saiyajin Series. It starts right after the defeat of the Super Warrior Bejiita. After Gohan defeated Bejiita, almost all of them are badly hurt, especially Goku.

Now, Kamesennin and the others pick up the fallen warriors and take them to the hospital to heal. Unfortunately, Goku is the only one who wouldn't be healed fast enough to make a trip to a planet called Nameccian to gather the Dragon Balls and bring back to life the warriors that were killed. This was to build tension for us fans. Thanks Akira Toriyama!

Anyways, after learning that Kami-sama is a Nammeccejin (pronounced Namek Se Gin) Buruma and Mr. Popo went to look for his spaceship he used to get to Earth.

After finding it, Gohan, Kurririn, and Buruma uses it to get to Nameccian. It will take them 3 months, and this is about how long it will take Korin to grow some Senzu beans to heal Goku. So Gohan, Kurririn, and Buruma is forced to go without him.

On the way, they experience a couple of obstacles, like aliens especially. But after all that, they finally reach Nameccian. So the first thing they did was explored the area. But to their horror, they find out that Bejiita is on the same planet and also a more powerful being, Freeza. Their goal too was looking for the Dragon Balls. Now this is a problem to them.

So being cautious, they tried to avoid meeting up with any of the powerful warriors. But, then, Gohan and Kurririn saw Freeza and his henchmen attacking a Nameccian village that had a Dragon Ball. So, out of anger, Gohan attacked Dodoria and saved a little Nameccejin called Dende.

Back in a cave they used as shelter, Dende was giving them some information about Nameccejins and about their planet. Soon they learn of the Senior Nameccejin, Saichourou-sama. So, Kurririn decide to go ask him for a Dragon Ball and take Dende to him.

Elsewhere, Bejiita is fighting some of Freeza's henchmen and killing most of them. Mainly Dodoria. But soon he fights Zabon-san, Freeza's right hand man. So far he was doing all right, till Zabon-san changed into a monster and began kicking his ass. Bejiita was almost dead, when Zabon-san threw him into a lake and thought he was dead, so he returned to Freeza. But this angered Freeza and ordered him to bring Bejiita to him. Which he did.

Back to Kurririn and Dende. Kurririn finally reached Saichourou-sama's home and Kurririn asked him for the Dragon Ball. Kurririn finds out that Saichourou-sama is dying and as a favor to Kurririn, awakened his dormant power. This made Kurririn feel powerful and asked if he could do the same for Gohan. He agreed and Kurririn left with the Dragon Ball and get Gohan and bring him to Saichourou-sama.

Back in Freeza's spaceship, Bejiita is healing in a tank. After awhile he heals and he feels more powerful and his hair is up and he lost his side burns. So, he fakes out Freeza and Dodoria and manages to steal 5 of his Dragon Balls. He then flies out and Zabon chases him.

Bejiita later gets the 5 Dragon Balls and puts them to a different place, when he sees Kurririn with a Dragon Ball. He then flies after him and soon, Zabon-san sees Bejiita and they fight. At the end Kurririn gives Bejiita the Dragon Ball and Zabon-san is killed.

Back to Gohan. Gohan now found the Dragon Ball that Bejiita has hidden. He takes off to bring it Buruma when Bejiita spots him and he manages to hide the Dragon Ball from him. Soon, the Ginyu team (Freeza's most powerful squadron that he ordered to come and help get rid of the Earthlings) leaves for Nammecian.

So after taking a blow from Bejiita, Gohan goes back to Buruma and Kurririn, then takes him to Saichourou-sama's home. So, they leave. Meanwhile, Bejiita is looking for the last Dragon Ball, the one that he threw in the lake. But to his surprise it's not there and he figures that Gohan must have taken it. So he flies after him.

Gohan then gets his dormant power awaken by Saichourou-sama. And Bejiita is just waiting outside. Soon, as they were about to fight, the Ginyu team arrrives. Bejiita is then scared and tells them to give him the Dragon Balls so they have a chance to survive. In this episode they learn that the Dragon Balls give 3 wishes. This is also when Bejiita teams up with them.

Before they can make a wish, the Ginyu team arrive. Soon they fight and the Ginyu team gets all the Dragon Balls... as they are losing, Goku finally comes and saves the day.

Then Ginyu comes back and does his body switching technique. So after awhile, Goku's body is badly damage and Bejiita takes it to the healing tank.

After awhile, the fighters fight Freeza. But they are getting beat up. Then Bejiita challenges him, thinking he reached the level of a Super Saiyajin. But Freeza beats him up at his last form.

As Freeza is about to kill him, Goku gets healed and arrives at the battle. But Freeza just kills Bejiita for babbling on about the Super Saiyajin legend. So they fight. Goku is almost even with him, since a Saiyajin getting healed at near death increases their powers tenfold. Then at the near end of the battle, Kurririn gets killed by Freeza. This pushes Goku over the edge and turns him into the legendary Super Saiyajin. Then he kicks Freeza's ass. After killing Freeza, the planet Nameccian blows up due to a blast that Freeza did.

But luckily, everyone escaped. From the Dragon, Porunga and Dende's wish.

The Episodes in the U.S.
  • 25.A New Goal.... Namek
    1. Bruises aren't red

  • 26.Journey to Namek
    1. Kurririn's hat says Kulilin
    2. Kurririn saying he needs change of clothes, yet he changes in the ship

  • 27.Friends or Foes?
    1. The voices been changed
    2. Skipped some parts

  • 28.Who's who?
    1. Nothing much, except the translation

  • 29.Touch Down In Nameck
    1. Skipped some scenes

  • 30.Didn't see.

  • 31.Didn't see.

  • 32.The Ruthless Frieza
    1. The name is suppose to be Freeza
    2. Mentioned Dr.Briefs is fixing Goku's ship... like the one that Piccolo destroyed??
    3. The voices were changed

  • 33.The Nameks Versus Frieza
    1. No blood was shown
    2. Edited out some scenes

  • 34.Escape from Dodoria
    1. Skipped the part when Dende brother gets killed
    2. Not showing Dodoria getting hit

  • 35.Did Not See

  • 36.Collision Course
    1. Changed 2 character's name
    2. Kamehameha became Kaio Ken

  • 37.Stay Away From Frieza
    1. Kaio-sama's joke changed.

  • 38.Zarbon Transformed
    1. Transformation scene is shorter
    2. No Blood

  • 39.The Eldest Namek
    1. The Eldest Namek is not Guru, it's Saichourou
    2. Bejiita is suppose to be bloodied up.
    3. Saichourou's voice is wrong in the U.S. version

  • 40.Get Vegeta
    1. Not much really, only the translation

  • 41.Vegeta Revived
    1. The name Guru

  • 42.A Heavy Burden
    1. No Direct Hits
    2. No Blood

  • 43.Immortality Denied
    1. Covered up the direct blows.
    2. No Blood
    3. Didn't show the Part where Zabon gets blasted

  • 44.Big Trouble for Bulma
    1. Not much except for tranlation

  • 45.Scramble for the Dragon Balls
    1. Henchmen's voice are off

  • 46.Arrival of the Ginyu Force
    1. Ginyu team's voice been changed
    2. Goku's voice been changed
    3. The Names of the Ginyu Force been changed= Recoom-Rikuum, Burter-Baata, Jeice-Jiisu, and Guldo-Gurudo

  • 47.Elite Fighters of the Universe.... the Ginyu Force
    1. Nothing much, except for translation

  • 48.Time Tricks and Body Binds
    1. Edited out the fight scenes
    2. No blood
    3. Kamesennin Roshi's voice been changed
    4. Another Dimension again!

  • 49.The Relentless Recoom
    1. Doesn't show some characters getting hit
    2. No blood

  • 50.Enter Goku
    1. Doesn't show some characters getting hit
    2. Covered up the part when Rikuum's butt was showing
    3. They changed Goku's voice

  • 51.Goku...Super Saiyan?
    1. Bejiita's bruises are black
    2. Rikuum's butt not showng
    3. They mentioned a there is a Super Saiyan every 3000 years. Wasn't it suppose to be every 5000 years?

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