The Ones That Got Away!

So far I'm supposing you're thinking "why the hell hasn't this guy shown us the true glory of DBZ yet?" and here I answer that. This section copes with the parts of the original series that were cut out. Basically I point out as many missing parts as I can. You'd be very suprised what you're missing.

If you must know, the only reason I made this page was out of anger towards the U.S. DBZ. At first I was excited. But as time progressed, I started to get annoyed. That's when the idea for the "Angry At American DBZ" page was born. But I figured, it will get better once it gets to my favorite series, Freeza. So finally that crappy edited Saiyajin series has ended and they began to start showing the Freeza series. So as usual, the editing annoyed me, but I couldn't wait to hear Furiza's voice. I mean it is the coolest in the entire series! But then, I heard the U.S. version.... That's pushed me over the edge. Now I know how Son Gokuh must have felt when Furiza killed Kuririn, thus pushing to the Super Saiyajin level. I mean it seriously was way off from the Japanese version. The U.S. Furiza voice sounded more like a woman than the polite, yet ruthless villain he is supposed to be. So, now you know how this page became to be.... It's not my fault this was created, it's the U.S. DBZ.

Before you continue reading on, I want to tell you some things that were changed. The U.S. version of Dragon Ball Z changed the title of the original series and renamed it and they changed some of the lines they said in the original version, so I won't bother pointing out which lines they changed. Just try to figure it out yourself... if it sounds something that only Americans would say, you know that they added that in. ^_^ If you want to know the names of the original episode titles then come back soon because I will be putting a list in the translations section of the site. Or if you want to know the original plot that was suppose to happen then also stay tuned because I will be doing full summaries of each series. So with that out of the way, I present you with a rough story of what happens and what was left out, enjoy!.

The Saiyajin Saga

The Saiyajin Saga is the first series out of the whole DBZ series. It starts out with Raditsu, Son Gokuh's brother showing up on Earth and telling of the young hero's origin. Soon after, he and Son Gokuh gets killed by Piccolo. Then the 2 surviving Saiyajins, Bejiita and Napa show up after hearing about the Dragon Balls from Piccolo. So all the Z fighters train to fight this powerful force coming to Earth. So finally they came and Tenshinhan, Yamucha and Piccolo get killed by Napa, and Chaotsu dies trying to send Napa to hell. Then finally, Son Gokuh comes back from training with Kaio-sama, his teacher in the land of the dead, found at the end of Snake Way. Son Gokuh fights Napa and completely humiliates him, so Bejiita gets angry and kills him. Then Bejiita and Son Gokuh face off. Son Gokuh was beating Bejiita so far, but suddenly he used a technique that made him turn to Oozaru (That were-monkey transformation thing). Suddenly Son Gokuh was losing, then Kuririn, Son Gohan, and Yajerobei show up to help. At the end Yajerobei cut off the tail of Bejiita making him turn back to a regular Saiyajin. So they fight some more and Son Gohan then turns into an Oozaru. He was pounding on Bejiita then Bejiita cut off his tail. So Bejiita was weakend and went to leave in his spaceship he came in. But Kuririn attempts to kill him, but Son Gokuh tells Kuririn not to. At the end Bejiita leaves and Goku and the others were picked up by Kame Sen`nin and went to the hospital.

The Episodes in the U.S.
  • 1.The Arrival of Raditz
    1. Skipped a lot of the opening scenes
    2. The farmer's voice is so off
    3. Took out the blood when Raditsu flung the bullet at the farmer
    4. Piccolo not wanting a fight.... He threatened Raditsu in that episode
    5. Krillen is suppose to be Kurririn
    6. Raditsu saying their planet blew 3 years ago. In fact, it was blown up when Goku was sent to Earth which was actually 20 years ago

  • 2.The World's Strongest Team
    1. Goku's mouth became deformed when he was talking
    2. Piccolo's level was 322 when Raditzu first saw him, but when he was flying it became 220.
    3. It took out the part where Piccolo's arm was dripping with blood
    4. Skipped some of the ending scenes, especially, when Raditzu's mouth was bleeding

  • 3.Gohan's Hidden Power
    1. Skipped a scene when Piccolo's arm was blown off
    2. Piccolo said "Special Beam Cannon".. this is suppose to be "Makkankousappo"... if you translate it, it's something like The Devil's Ulitmate Cannon or Devil Screw Beam.
    3. Goku said Coming Ha..... Ha! Instead of Kamehameha
    4. Raditz's shoulder wasn't bleeding when it was hit
    5. They skipped a scene when Raditzu hit Gohan

  • 4.Goku's Unusual Journey
    1. Skipped the scenes when they were suppose to bleed
    2. Skipped the coolest part in the show! Piccolo's Makkankousappo going through Raditzu, then Goku's back, leaving a big bloody circle
    3. Bejiita's voice is changed to a raspy-vampire sounding voice
    4. King Kai is suppose to be Kaioh sama, if tranlated it means like Lord Kaioh.
    5. King Yemma is suppose to be Enmadaiou-sama, "The King of Hell."
    6. The guide's voice sounds like Woody Allen

  • 5.Gohan's Metamorphosis
    1. Passing into another Dimension??... suppose to be Died.
    2. Gohan is supposed to have a wee over the side of a hill.
    3. Skipped scenes of the transformation of Gohan.

  • 6.Gohan Makes a Friend
    1. Changed voices
    2. Gohan wasn't sad when the dinosaur was killed, the crying scene was from an earlier episode where he sees an SSS class robot, that saves Gohan and was destroyed by a cave in.

  • 7.Trouble on Arlia
    1. Bejiita's name is changed to Fujita

  • 8.Home For Infinite Losers
    1. The two Ogres shirt should say HELL instead of HFIL

  • 9.Princess Snake's Hospitality
    1. Tenshinhan's name is changed to Tien
    2. Took out the cussing

  • 10.Showdown in the Past
    1. Skipped the part where Gohan gets hit
    2. The 2 Saiyajin's voices were changed

  • 11.The End of Snake Way
    1. Skipped part of the transformation scenes
    2. Kaioh sama's voice was changed
    3. Kaioh sama's jokes where changed
    4. Gohan's face was deformed while talking to Piccolo

  • 12.A Black Day for Earth
    1. Replaying the same scenes
    2. Nappa destroyed a city and they said it was abandoned.
    3. Bejiita said "Ravitz?"

  • 13.The Legends of the Saiyans
    1. Gregory's voice has been changed
    2. Spirit Bomb is suppose to be "Genki-dama" or Energy Ball if translated

  • 14.The Battle Begins... Where are you Goku?
    1. The comments by fighters were changed
    2. After Napa destroys the helicopter, Tenshinhan says "I can see parachutes." Wrong... they died.

  • 15.The Saibamen Strike
    1. No one says die, only "Passing into another dimension"

  • 16.Nappa the Invincible?
    1. Replayed some scenes
    2. Tenshinhan said "Wait till my arm grows back!".... nope, only Piccolo and the Majins can do that.
    3. Doesn't show Chou-zu bleeding
    4. Not saying Die again

  • 17.Tien Goes All Out
    1. Changed the Insults
    2. Napa said the cameramen ran away... nope, he killed them

  • 18.Time's Up!
    1. Doesn't show Gohan getting hit
    2. Napa isn't shown bleeding
    3. No one is shown bleeding

  • 19.The Return of Goku
    1. Skipped the bleeding scenes
    2. Gohan said Power Yahh! Instead of "Masenkou"

  • 20.Goku Strikes Back
    1. Doesn't show Goku and Bejiita getting direct hits and there are cruddy little explosions instead

  • 21.Goku Vs. Vegeta.... A Saiyan Duel
    1. No blood again
    2. Skipped some of the fight scene
    3. The bruises are black
    4. Bejiita's Gallic Gun is suppose to be "Garlic Gun"
    5. Goku said Kamehameha real fast then went Ka... Me..Ha.. etc...
    6. Bejiita said Goku's father was a scientist... no... he was a fighter

  • 22.Vegeta... Saiyan Style!
    1. Goku was mentioning how Bejiita was responsible for destroying some places and killing his Grandpa...but in the Japanese version, he blamed all those on himself
    2. Triple Strike??... Don't you mean Genki-dama??
    3. Bejiita's eye is suppose to bleed

  • 23.Stop Vegeta Now!
    1. Bejiita was talking about his snowball technique
    2. Not showing Gohan getting hit
    3. Not showing Gohan bleeding
    4. Gohan said Kamehameha... suppose to be Masenkou

  • 24.The Battle Ends
    1. Parts of Bejiita's clothes were added by the censors
    2. Skipped the part were Kurririn gets hit
    3. No blood
    4. Doesn't show Yajerobei getting hit
    5. Kuririn's head isn't as badly crushed as it is supposed to be.
    6. Covered Gohan's butt