~Watching too much DBZ?

Have you been watching too much DBZ? We all love that popular show, Dragon Ball Z, but sometimes fans go too far and get really serious with it. Here's a list of things that you can read and see for your self if you are not one of those rarely few people who has gone too far with Dragon Ball Z. Oh yeah, the ones with ** means I didn't make those up.

When you flush the toilet and watch the water spin, do you yell out "Makkankousapppo!"?

Do you keep Dragon Ball/Z/GT cards in your wallet and tell your friends, "This is my dad, Goku, my mom Chi-chi, my brother Gohan..etc."**?

Do you feel bad about eating a carrot because it sounds too much like Kakarroto?

During recess, do you collect all kinds of balls (Basketball, football, etc.) hoping that if you bring them together you will summon Shenlon to grant you a wish?

Do you think that everyone with purple hair is a time-traveler who are out to kill androids?

Do you go to the zoo and stay at the monkey area hoping that one day Goku will be in there?

While washing the dishes do you yell "Special Soap Cannon Fire!"?**

Do you tell people that your jelly beans are actually magical senzu beans that will keep you full for 3 minutes, because it's not as strong as the real ones?**

Do you adopt a cat and get him to train you like Senpyou?**

Do you ever find yourself trying to find Hoi Poi capsules in stores?**

While learning about Hawaii, and someone mentions King Kamehameha, do you think that someone is trying to blast you?**

When you see two people with the same earing on one ear, do you think that they will do a fusion?**

Do you make your dog look at the full moon, hoping he will turn into a Were-Monkey with his tail.?**

If you make big cheeks, a ghost of you will pop out.**

On a hot day you go outside and think that you can gain the earth's power?**

If you plant a tree in the Earth and eat the fruit, you think that you will eat the earth's energy ?**

You wonder how Goku looks with your clothes.**

You always try to do the kamehameha thinking that someday you may be able to do it.**

When you get a hair cut, you ask if you can get one like Goku's**

Do you paint yourself pink and try to turn people into chocolate so that you will change into Super Buu?**

Hoping that someday that if you can convince a tailor to, he'll make you the same clothes that Goku has, along with the weighted shirt and arm bands. Or even making them yourself. No matter what it takes!**

Do you bleach your hair and then set yourself on fire believing you'll become a super Saiyajin?

More to come... depending on the help and ideas I can come up with