English / Original translations have always been dodgy in the past - missing mouth sync and saying things at the wrong time, even getting the wrong word order making the story seem different to how it should have. Well then, that's just what FUNiamtion were like when doing their poor translation of DBZ. But don't worry, this list of names and translations will set you straight again.

Kie - Kaioh sama

Yamcha - Yamucha

Android / Artificial Being - Jinzouningen / Zouningenjin

Majin - Magical Daemon

Bulma - Baruma ( trans; bloomers )

Chichi - trans; breast/s or a slang word for "Father" ( like some would say "dad" )

Vegeta - Bejiita ( from what I can remember from the original - which isn't too much - the planet is named Bejiitasei and maybe with a jin at the end - think dammit! *repeatedly hits his head on a wall - I'll get back to you on that one ) though the logical term is also Vejiita at I don't think Japanese can pronounce 'V' so say 'B' instead of something.

King Cold - Frost ( this is the proper English translation, I have no idea what the Japanes or Chinese version of it is )

Trunks - There are a lot of names; Touranksu, Tsurunkusus, Trountsu and Tourankun. These are all the ones I have come across but Touranksu is the original I believe.

Frieza - Furieza or Freeza.

Namkekian ( as in Namekian elder or namekian villager ) - Namekseijin

Napa - The full name could be Napaharashi but throughout all versions of DBZ he is still called Napa

Tien - Tenshinhan

Chioats-zu - Chaotsu / Chaosu ( I think Chao means tiny - got the idea from those Chaos from Sonic Adventure )

Krillin - Once again there are loads of names for the little warrior monk; Kuririn, Kourin, Kouririn, Kulilin and Kullin.

Master Roshie - Muten Roshi ( trans; Invincible Master )is his alias. His nick-name is Kame-Sen`nin ( trans; Turtle Hermit or as son Gokuh calls him "Turtle Guy" )

Radditz - Raditsu ( it is pronounced Radizu as you say the "T" in with the "zu". Okay, there isn't much difference in his name but this is still a good thing to take notice of )

Piccolo - Piccolo Daimaoh ( trans; Piccolo the great Daemon King ). Note that Piccolo's father is originally named as this though Piccolo names himself Piccolo Daimaoh in the Tenka`ichi Budokai five years before Dragon Ball Z begins.

Doghuts - Wasn't Akira Toriyama a silly person eh? You spell it D-O-U-G-H-N-U-T-S you crazy Doctor Slump creator you!

!yaM - This is on the back of a T-shirt and should read "May!" as in 'May Day'.

Taipon - Tapio.

Mister Satan - I believe it's Dabura. To say he's Satan he is a rather likable charatcer.

Special Beam Cannon - Makkankousappo ( trans; devil screw beam ).

Spirit Bomb - Genki Dama ( trans; energy ball ).

Kamehameha - This is correct but it has a second name; Hissatsu Waza ( trans; Desperation Move ). Also the real name for kamehameha should be Masenkou which in the US show is Son Gohan's Masenko.

Scouter - Scope ( because scopes on guns and telescops may have similar screen readings to this device though of course you can't see how strong something is by looking through even the most technologically advanced telescopical devices known to man ( ahem ) !!!!!

King Yamma - What the hell? S'way different! His real name is Enmadaiou Sama ( trans; The King Of Hell - He is an actual Japanese folklore character who decides if the dead go on to heaven or hell )

Home For Infinite Losers ( HFIL ) - The ogre's T-shirts should read as "HELL". Americans and their moral ethics, peh ~_~.

Korin - Senpyou.

Baba - Uranai Baba.

Solar Flare - Taiyoken

The Greatest Namek, Guru - Saichirou Sama

Jeice - Jisu

Berter / Burter - Baata

Dabura - I'd just like to point out that he reminds me of a cross between 'Chef' and Satan from 'South Park'.

Giant, Were Monkey, Monster, Transformed - Ooharazu

God - Trans; Shen ( shenlong - God Dragon? Or Dragon God for that matter...O_o? )

Shin - Trans; God ( why'd you think Shin from fist of the North Star has a alias named God?

Zarbon - Pronounced Za-bon

Android#16 - Juurokuh

Android#17 - Juunanna

Android#18 - Juuhachigou

Android#19 - Juukyiu

Android#20 - Nijiu

Kaioh Sama - Trans; Lord Of Worlds

Namu - Namusan

Ox King - Gyu Mao

Cyberman - Cultivar

Tenkachi Budoki - Tenka`ichi Budokai

Kame Sen`nin Martial Arts - Budo

Capsule - Hoi Poi Capsule ( because is goes 'hoi' when thrown and 'poi' as the item appears in a cloud of smoke )

Bacteria - Bacterian ( to all the people who never read or saw Dragon Ball which means nearly all of you, Bacterian was one of the finalists in the 21st Tenka`ichi Budokai who Kuririn beat )

Kame - Pron; Kah-me ( as in 'kah-me'hameha )

Briefs ( the family name ) - Buriefsu

Pilaf - Reich Pilaf

Cooie - Kui ( has been referred as Kyoem but that is something to do with assassination )

Sama - Trans; Lord / King

Fist Of The Lion-Fang - Lion-Fang Fu

Fist Of The Wolf-Fang Gale! - Roga Fufu-Ken! ( this is Yamucha's original fighting technique )

Yajirrobie - Yajerobei

Icarus - Hiya Doragon

Captain Ginyu - Ginyuu

Ginyu Force - Ginyuu Toksentai

Planet Namek - Nameccian

Turles - Taurus Sama / Son Taurus

Pu'ar - Puaru

Well, that's all for the moment and there are many more translations to come in the future. Come back soon to see how I'm doing!!! >^_^<