Saiyajin Saga

Arrival Of Raditsu

Note that quite a lot of these PL are my own guess-timates as I want to define how the characters develop so some of the PL are guessed ( after training PL for example ). Otherwise all PL are taken from the manga or if they are not there they are taken from the anime.

Son Gokuh with weighted clothing – 334

Piccolo Daimaoh with weighted clothing – 322

Kuririn – 206

Son Gohan ( Normal-self ) - 1

Son Gohan ( inside Raditsu’s drop pod ) - 750

Son Gokuh ( during battle ) – 416

Piccolo Daimaoh ( during battle ) – 408

Raditsu – 1500 ( belive it or not, Raditsu's max is 15,000 making him stronger than Napa! This is why Piccolo had never felt such power as he could feel not Raditsu's base level of 1500 but his max of 15,000! )

Raditsu; Twin ki beam – 15,000 each

Son Gokuh; Masenko – 1000

Raditsu; Pulse laser – 5000

Piccolo Daimaoh; Makkankousappo ( first try ) – 1330

Son Gohan ( very angry ) – 1307

Son Gohan ( attacking Raditsu ) – anything up to 1,000,000 ( this attack severely damages Raditsu, it basically cripples him useless for the rest of the battle which is why Gokuh so easily grabs him - Gohan seriously powers up which is evident - provenance from this is the fact that Gohan destroys a mountain range when Piccolo throws him at a mountain - yet more is the fact that Gohan Jumps onto on top of a cliff to avoid a Dinosaur from eating him further bolsters this )

Son Gohan ( after attacking Raditsu ) – 1

Piccolo Daimaoh; Makkankousappo ( second try ) – 2000 ( this combined with the crushing blow would finish Raditsu off for sure so this is a good estimate – in the manga Raditsu says “1440!…and Rising!!!!” so I think the max was about 2000 )

Piccolo Daimaoh ( after battle and fully healed, without weights ) - 415

Kame Sen’nin – 139

Kame Sen’nin’s turtle – 0.001

Chi-Chi - 70

Gyu Mao - 120

Oolong - 50

Buruma - 4

Puaru - 50

Baseball Players - Between 15 and 30

Preparing For The Invasion

Remember most of these PL are estimates because I wanted to put all details in.

Tenshinhan ( pre-training ) – 250

Yamucha ( pre-training ) – 177

Kuririn ( pre-training ) – 206

Chaotsu ( pre-training ) – 115

Yajerobei ( pre-training ) – 186

Tenshinhan ( during training ) – 450

Yamucha ( during training ) – 377

Kuririn ( during training ) – 406

Chaotsu ( during training ) – 315

Yajerobei ( during training ) - 386

Two Saiyajin Warriors ( simulant training ) – 1500 each

Saiyajin Warrior; Burning Technique – 4500

Tenshinhan; Split form blasts – 900

Yamucha; Genki Dama – 1440

Two Saiyajin Warriors; Killer blasts – 5000 each

Tenshinhan ( after training ) – 1050

Yamucha ( after training ) – 977

Kuririn ( after training ) – 1006

Chaotsu ( after training ) – 915

Yajerobei ( after training ) – 486( remember that Yajirrobie needed to stop and eat so he didn’t train with the others in the tower simulator against the Saiyajins and he slacks off in the other training but still gets a little stronger )

In Hell

The King Of Hell - 3000

Devil Assistants - 5

Two Ogres ( in hell ) – 500

Son Gokuh ( with weighted clothing ) – 1500

Son Gokuh ( after defeating the ogres and eating forbidden fruit ) - 2000

Son Gokuh ( on Kaioh Sama’s planet ) – 1000

Bubbles – 1500 ( note that bubbles only has a high PL because he is so incredibly fast, he would suck at fighting and probably is as strong as a very large gorilla though for his PL he is not strong and is only a cute little sweaty monkey )

Son Gokuh ( no weights ) – 1400

Son Gokuh ( after catching bubbles ) – 2400Gokuh would be 3200 if he was back on Earth without weights )

Gregory – 2500 ( as with bubbles, Gregory has a high PL for his speed and the fact that he is a little bugger to hit. Also he brags he has a toughened body. Also you have to remember that Gregory does not exist in the Manga so he has no fixed PL )

Son Gokuh ( after hitting Gregory and still wearing weights ) – 3000

Kaioh Sama – 4000

Son Gokuh ( after training is complete, still with weights ) – 4500

Son Gokuh ( if he wasn’t wearing weights ) – 5000

Son Gohan ( in wilderness after he gets his new clothes ) – 750 ( note Son Gohan’s level is actually this when he was not in training but he has just got used to using his powers )


Dinosaur - 250

Sabre Toothed Tiger – 50

Piccolo Daimaoh ( pre-meditation, wearing weights ) – 600

Piccolo Daimaoh ( after meditation; shifting pyramids and causing earthquake, still wearing weights ) – 800

Son Gohan ( after escaping Piccolo Daimaoh ) – ??? ( could be anything right now, Pikkerol flattens him with one punch )

Orphan Youth ( Pikkerol or something like that ) - 50

Orphan children - between 1 and 3

Three Care Worker Orderlies – 5

Police officers - Between 5 and 15

Police Chief - 4 ( he's small fat and weedy - and a dog O_o )

Piccolo Daimaoh ( versus split form ) – 950

Piccolo Daimaoh ( after fight all the split form battles ) – 1100

Oozaru Son Gohan – ???

Short Scuffles Between Piccolo And Gohan

Here I am adding the PL for all fights Piccolo and Gohan have.

Piccolo Daimaoh ( with weights ) – 1100

Son Gohan ( after opening his powers )– 750

Piccolo Daimaoh ( after all scuffles ) – 1220

Son Gohan ( after all scuffles ) – 981

After this one can guess all of the Special Forces ( Z fighters ) continued to train extremely hard including Yajerobei who was probably bribed into training with food by Senpyou.

The Arrival Of Bejiita And Napa

Vs Napa And The Cultivars

Note the Z fighters aren’t wearing weights apart from Son Gokuh who also removes his weights when fighting against Bejiita.

Cultivar – Between 1200 and 1500 each

Piccolo Daimaoh (pre battle ) – 1220

Piccolo Daimaoh ( during battle ) - 2000

Tenshinhan ( pre battle ) - 1200

Tenshinhan ( fully powered ) – 1980

Tenshinhan ( All out attack, finally wastes himself and remember that Napa is at PL 10,000 at the time so Tenshinhan could only have killed him if he was at his normal power of 5000 ) - 7920

Yamucha ( pre battle ) - 1007

Yamucha ( during battle ) - 1177

Kuririn ( pre battle ) - 1083 Kuririn ( during battle ) – 1280

Kuririn ( Very Angry ) - 1780 ( Kuririn doesn't power to his max as he is powering a huge Masenkou )

Chaotsu – 1150

Son Gohan – 981

Cultivar; Self destruct – ??? ( could kill anyone if they didn’t defend themselves )

Napa ( in armour ) - 4500

Napa ( fully powered ) – 9500

Kuririn; Ki’enzan – 10,000

Gohan; Masenkou – 3000

Kuririn; Huge blast - 15840 ( splits into 6 pl 2640 blasts )

Napa; Large ki blast – 15,000

Tenshinhan; Kikoho ( kills himself accidentally from exhaustion and remember that this could have been enought to have also battered Bejiita as the attack covered so much space; sadly, Napa manages to move out of the way in time - but only just! >_< ) – 15,000

Chaotsu; Self destruct, sacrifice – ??? ( note Napa is unaffected as he raises a psychic shield just as chaotsu explodes )

Return Of Son Gokuh!!!

Napa ( removed armour ) - 5000

Son Gokuh ( with weighted clothing ) – 5000

Napa – 5000 ( Napa’s level slowly drops as he battles the other Z fighters and as he has no real challenge vs a cripple Kuririn and a half dead Gohan he totally levels back to normal but then of course that drops from the minimal damage he took making his efficient power about 4000. Also remember thathe's used a huge amount of energy defending and attack against the other heroes )

Son Gokuh ( fully powered and wearing weights ) – 10,000

Remember that Napa doesn’t realise Gokuh is stronger than him and so takes no notice of the power up.

Son Gohan ( recovered ) – 1100

Kuririn ( recovered ) – 1380

Bejiita – 15,000

Bejiita; Killer beam – 30,000 ( this one finishes Napa off )

Gokuh And Friends Vs Bejiita

A huge battle ensues here with many different attacks so I will just list the main attacks ( in other words, the characters special techniques they use during the battle ).

Son Gokuh; Masenkou – 17,000

Son Gohan; Masenkou – 3200

Bejiita ( fully powered ) – 30,000

Oozaru Bejiita – 150,000

Yajerobei; Tail swipe – 992 ( I decided to double Yajerobei’s PL as he trained a little but with weights and Senpyou, as I said, bribes him with food…maybe…~_~ )

Oozaru Gohan – ??? ( when in Oozaru form, Gohan's power wavers )

Son Gokuh; Kaiohken – X1 = 15,000

X2 = 20,000

X3 = 30,000

X4 = 45,000

Son Gokuh – Kuririn – Son Gohan; Genki Dama – 30,000 ( this should be about 30,000 but it is passed on and looses much of its power and Gokuh has to rush it also – amazingly though, Bejiita isn’t killed!!! )

After The Battle

These PL are complete guesses but I used my common sense while calculating them all.

Kuririn – 1700

Son Gohan – 1400

Yajerobei – 1000 ( he actually gets badly hurt, just watch how he gets squashed under the rocks! >_< )

Son Gokuh – 80,000( he takes untold damage and this would explain him being so strong when he lands on Namekseijin at PL 180,000 )

Bejiita – 25,000


Uranai Baba - 40

Camera Crew Members - 5

Freeza Foot Soldiers At HQ - Between 5 and 10,000

Arlaen Fighters - 150

Gregor - 200

Xisor - 250

Yelmi ( Giant Arlaseijin )- 1000

Arlaen Captives - 100

Arlaseijin King - 50

So there we have it, a super detailed Power Level guide to the Saiyajin Conflict!

Freeza Saga PL guide is coming very shortly so keep your eyes peeled!