Freeza Saga

Before Take-off

Kame Sen'nin - 139

Turtle - 0.001

Chi-chi - 70

Doctor Burifsu - 5

Mrs. Burifsu - 4

Buruma - 4

Gyu Mao - 120

Yajerobei - 1000

Trouble Arises

Mind Games

Raiiti - 100

Zachro - 90 ( Zachro is smaller and less built than Raiiti but has similar powers. Raiiti is also the leader )

Make Believe Dinosaur - 250

Make Believe Giant Crab/Squids - 50 ( this accounts for their speed and dexterity but their strength is much higher than the PL suggests )

Space Ship

Humanoid Fighters - 5

Little Girl - 2 ( older and braver than the 4 year-old Gohan!!! )

Kui - 20,000

Planet Trade Fighters - Between 5 and 10,000

Arrival At Nameccian

Kuririn – 1700

Son Gohan – 1400

Two Freeza Henchmen – 750 each ( how do you think they got blatted so easily? )

Freeza Henchman; Laser gun ( this gun blows a hole through the Z fighter’s space ship and totally mangles the computers and could even vaporise Freeza but characters with a high level can deflect the bolts so it is hard to guess the level of one of them )


Bejiita / Kui – 25,000 / 20,000

Zarbon / Dodoria / Namekseijians / Footsoldiers – 24,000 / 22,000 / 3000 ( three of them ) / 1000 ( eight of them )

Bejiita / Dodoria – 25,000 / 22,000

Zarbon / Bejiita – 25,000 / 24,000 – Zarbon true form / Bejiita – 34,000 / 25,000 ( first fight )

Zarbon true form / Bejiita ( recovered ) – 34,000 / 35,000 ( remember Bejiita almost dies the first time so when he is fully healed he becomes monstrously powerful as a result and so Bejiita easily kills Zarbon )

Dieing Namekseijian / Foot Soldier – 3000 / 1000 ( the foot soldier wins as the Namekseijian can barely do anything )

The Ginyu Force Vs The Z Fighters And Bejiita

Bejiita – 40,000 ( he fights like mad after the Zarbon encounter - I have no idea how but during the manga Bejiita's PL increases ridiculously high even if he doesn't actually do much at times O_o )

Kuririn – 22,000 ( Powered by Saichirou Sama )

Kuririn ( fully powered at beginning ) – 30,000

Son Gohan – 19,000 ( Powered by Saichirou Sama )

Son Gohan ( fully powered at beginning ) – 27,000

Kuririn / Son Gohan; Masenko – 60,000 / 54,000

Gerudo – 10,000

Bejiita; Ki blast vs Gerudo – 100,000 ( must be charged for a long time as he waits to attack )

Rikoume – 45,000

Rikoume ( fully powered ) – 90,000

Bejiita ( fully powered ) – 70,000

Rikoume; Gut flames – 180,000

Son Gohan ( enraged ) – anything up to 1,500,000

Son Gohan; Masenkou – 60,000

Rikoume; Pulse lasers – 135,000

Baata – 55,000

Jisu – 65,000

Jisu - Crusher Ball; 130,000

Captain Ginyu – 150,000

Son Gokuh – 60,000 ( shows up as 5000 on scope )

Son Gokuh ( full power ) – 180,000

Captain Ginyu; Body swap – 500,000 ( note that is the power of the technique and not the power of Ginyu in Son Gokuh’s body )

The Aftermath

Note there is a body swap between Son Gokuh and Ginyu but the PL would stay the same afterwards.

Son Gokuh – 500,000 ( yes, this may sound strange but he gets very strong fighting Ginyu as he gets badly battered at the end )

Bejiita – 70,000 ( he takes a nasty pounding at times but holds out so his PL raises and almost dies quite a few times so his PL goes up amazingly high! – yay, Bejiita! ^_^ Remember that he should be dead at the start of the fight really!!! )

Kuririn – 25,000

Son Gohan – 25,000 ( Gohan takes a huge beating )

Ginyu The Frog!!! – 10,000 ( okay, this may sound ridiculous but remember the PL is high because froggy Ginyu can still use his body swap technique )

Friends Vs Freeza

Nail / Freeza – 100,000 / 500,000

Bejiita – 80,000 ( he fights again getting huge increases from wounds and from generally fighting constantly )

Bejiita ( fully powered ) – 160,000

Freeza – 500,000

Bejiita ( some sort of mad cackle PL rasing thingy ) – anything up to 1,000,000 in bursts ( that’s how angry he is!!! )

Bejiita ( slowly recovered ) – 100,000 ( he gets hurt from the tremors and beatings if you watch carefully )

Piccolo Versus Freeza

Freeza Giant ( second form ) – 1,000,000

Piccolo Daimaoh ( without Nail ) – 250,000

Nail Daimaoh ( Piccolo + Nail ) – 1,000,000

Nail Daimaoh ( fully powered ) – 2,000,000

Freeza Beast ( third form ) – 3,000,000

Kuririn; Ki blast / Bejiita – ??? / 250,000 ( Kuririn blows a hole through Bejiita as Bejiita threatens to kill him if he doesn’t. Bejiita expects Dende to heal him so his PL raises to amazing heights but he only grudgingly does it after Nail requests it is done )

Bejiita ( recovered ) – 200,000 ( this is one hell of a horrendous wound and however he survives is a complete mystery to me but I think this is a fair raise )

Freeza Lizard ( fourth form using a third of his full power ) – 4,000,000

Bejiita ( fully powered ) 400,000

Freeza; Key hole style finish buster – 5,000,000

Freeza 4 – ½ power = 6,000,000

2/3 power = 8,000,000

Full power = 12,000,000

Son Gokuh ( recovered ) – anything up to 5,000,000 ( don’t ask me how he gets this strong – it may sound ridiculous but it must be true as he gets the better of Freeza so there is some logic here )

Son Gokuh; Kaioh Ken X10 = 7,500,000

X20 = 10,000,000

Genki Dama = 12,000,000

After The Supposed Defeat Of Freeza

All characters here count as being recovered from their battle wounds so have higher PL.

Son Gokuh – ???

Piccolo Daimaoh – 1,500,000

Kuririn – 25,000

Son Gohan – 25,000

Final Fight – Son Gokuh Vs Freeza

Son Gokuh ( super Saiyajin ) – 15,000,000 ( I don’t know his real PL so I just gave him a raise that beat Freeza’s )

Freeza – 12,000,000

Freeza; Razor thingy – ??? ( could easily finish both of them in one go )

Son Gokuh; Ki blast finisher – ???

Son Gokuh ( after defeating Freeza, not in super Saiyajin form ) – I’d like to think Son Gokuh has a base level of 5,000,000

Back On Earth

These PL are complete guesses. I suppose Tenshinhan, Yamucha and Chaotsu would be amazingly powerful as they easily defeat Ginyu’s men and also have the same training as Son Gokuh did, plus the will be higher as their PL would raise by at least 100 when the reached heaven so they are going to be amazingly strong. Also remember Bejiita take an amazing amount of punishment from Freeza #4 before he is killed and so as his wounds are healed as he appears back on Namekseijian he gets a higher power. I added him here as he virtually teleports to Earth as soon as he is wished back.

Bejiita – 300,000

Kuririn – 30,000 ( he dies so he gets a little stronger like the others )

Tenshinhan – 500,000 ( yes, this seems a little too high but his power is said to ‘rise massively’ and of course his PL at the end of DBZ is 1,000,000 so he’s got to be half way there by this time.

Chaotsu – 12,000 ( he doesn’t do much but heck he gets stronger still and also beats Gerudo so he must have been considerably stronger )

Yamucha – 250,000 ( nobody works as hard as Tenshinhan, he beats two Ginyus after all! And the stronger of the group too! Also, as I have said with Tenshinhan, Yamucha is half way to his max PL of 500,000 )

Piccolo Daimaoh ( after the huge increase of Nail ) – 1,500,000 ( I don’t have any idea about Piccolo’s PL at this time but he is clearly stronger than Bejiita )

Saichirou Sama - Millions! Namek Fighters - 3000 Namek Civilians - Between 300 and 3000 Namek Children - Anything from 3 up to 50 ( they have healing and flying powers ) Dende - 100 ( Saichirou Sama gives Dende a boost of power. He also has the hidden power to make Dragon Balls and eventually creates a 'Two Wish' Dragon ) Last Mini Scuffle

Okay, the little quarrel between Gohan and Bejiita isn’t amazing but it’s quite a comparative skirmish so I thought I’d put it down here so you could see how solid Gohan must become when he gets angry.

Bejiita – 300,000

Son Gohan – 27,000

Son Gohan ( going wild ) – anything up to 2,500,000

Okay, Son Gohan must have raised over PL 1,000,000 to floor Freeza but he was amazingly upset and Bejiita just goads him into fighting and the power boost doesn’t last for long and catches Bejiita off guard and also Son Gohan just hurts Bejiita a little an could easily kill him if he went as ballistic as against his many other foes.


Freeza Flashback

Bardok - 10,000 ( he was 8000 but he gets crushed under some rubble and so his PL obiously raised )

King Bejiita - 25,000 ( Strongest Known Saiyajin )

Saiyajin Elite - between 1500 and 4500

Freeza - 500,000

Dodoria - 22,000

Zarbon - 24,000

Saiyajin Fighters ( outside Freeza's ship ) - Between 250 and 1000

Planet Trade Fighters - Between 5 and 500 ( because the ones fighting him are beaten pretty easy )

Young Bejiita - ??? ( he can use energy blasts and he is a little bit chunky but I honestly can't say what his PL would be )

Bejiita Flashback

Bejiita - 15,000

Bejiita - Blast; 20,000

Raditsu - 1500

Raditsu - Blast; 6500

Napa - 4500

Napa - Blast; 9500

Humanoid Fighters - 5

Humanoid King - 4 ( he is smaller than the fighters and so is probably weaker )

Green Blob Fighters - 100 ( they can use powers and they fly on weird things )

Green Blob Fighters - Zappy Thing; 200

Son Gokuh's Flashback

Oolong - 50

Chi-chi - 70

Lunch - 4

Kuririn - 206


Nameccian Shen Dragon - 350,000,000

Earth Shen Dragon - 75,000,000

Ginyu The Frog - 3 ( okay, a frog would be about 0.001 but I suppose he'd be a little tougher knwoing how to fight and use powers ^_^ )

Frog The Ginyu - 3 ( in a little-bigger-than-a-man-sized body so the frog will be physically stronger but not knowing how to use the body's potential means that it would still be weaker than a man )

So there we have it, a super detailed Power Level guide to the Freeza Saga!

Garlic Junior Saga PL guide is coming very shortly so keep your eyes peeled!