Welcome To The Hellmouth!!!
(valet parking inside the cemetary)

Pleasant name isn't it? Good thing its not on the travel brochures. 0:-) Well that's where Buffy lives. Sunnydale sits at the mouth to Hell, where all sorts of vampirific (new word?), other-wordly and just ugly minions try to enter our world. About 60 years ago, this old vampyre showed up at Sunnydale and he wasn't there just to feed. This demon sought to unite the underworld and overworld in one cataclysmic fire that would leave him master over all. But as vampires do - this guy botched everything up and ended up stuck inside the portal. Although he can't reach the outer world, the demon can watch and influence through others.

Yet this isn't the only creepy thing to occur in this small town in California.

Sunnydale has always been the site of odd occurences. We viewers have seen everything from crazed ex-cheerleaders to snake monsters, steroid boosted monster sea monsters, art dealers turned zombies, ugly "ishy" monsters with one eye that live under the school, "gangs on PCP", estranged ghosts - everything including a love that transcended all order and made a Slayer be paired with an Angellic lover - who just happened to be undead. Side note: does this make Buffy a necrophiliac?

Yet the weirdest thing about Sunnydale is its high school At first look it is a nice, gentle, suburban school with a jazz marching band and nice Quad. On closer look something much more evil becomes apparent. Gooshy monsters hibernate under it. Bees and snakes invade the school. Some teachers are insects. The old Principal Flutie was devoured by students possessed by hyenas. Then it dawns on you - SUNNYDALE HIGH SITS AT THE MOUTH OF HELL!!! Children slave over algebra above while monsters plan beneath. Life is definitely twisted.

Times in Sunnydale are harsh but that's why we have Slayers to balance things out.
Slayers are always young women, normally without too many friends and they usually die young. As any creature who destroys a slayer gains her power, most bad guys usually jump at the chance to as Spike would say "bag a slayer." You have to admire the guy's philosophy on life 0:-)

Buffy Summers has just moved to hell's mouth from LA and with her arsenal of trusty stakes, holy water, nifty crossbow and other random weapons 0:-) to set up camp and protect our world from their creepy plots.
Little did she know what she should have guarded most was her own heart.

The BtVS concept first appeared in a terrible B movie which had that guy from 90210 and PeeWee Herman in it. I am not a film expert - but even I know you don't put guys from 90210 and weird playhouses into a movie which takes itself so seriously.

The brainchild of Joss Whedon, this movie also explained how you get to be a Slayer. Like pretty much everything else in life - you're born into it. Once a slayer dies, the next one is called. Buffy was always destined to be a slayer and the arrival of her watcher only sealed her fate.

The lesser Buffy from this movie was a cheerleader - thus losing automatic cool points and unworthy of the title "Slayer." She was kind of fake but I guess that is due to the acting and the whole movie exuded B-movieness. She should have gotten a stunt double like Sophia Crawford! 0;-)

Now, I am a Buffy fan. I love Buffy. But I have to say that the original movie SUCKED!!! Cheesy is not the word for it. Everything was so fake and that "Lesser Buffy" was really annoying. When she killed vampires they DIDN'T EVEN HAVE THE DECENCY to turn to dust!!! I mean sure it costs five grand every time someone kills a vamp these days but hey can afford it! Come on anyway as my friend Dave (also the David mentioned on my background) said, "this is what we evolved from" *shrug* At least we don't have to tell the kids about this.

Member of the Hellmouth's Shadow
Member of Hellmouth's Shadow

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