"I Have One"
Ricky Galahad

I was but an object of your lust
and heartlessness
Your twisted mind urged you on
Nothing more than an empty shell
of carnality

Any vestige of humanity you had is
I don’t understand
I don’t think I’ll ever see

What I did that was so wrong
For God to allow this to happen
to me

Whatever sanity you once possessed
had vanished
Any link to morality did you sever
I doubt your mind will recall the
anguish afflicted
But your demented soul will haunt me
I don’t understand
I don’t think I’ll ever see
What I did that was so wrong
For God to allowed this to happen
to me

You committed injustice without
reason or regret
I now endure what you would not see
More than a simple act of violence
There is a pain that lasts beyond the
I cry so hard a night
I cry as I don’t see
What I did that was so wrong
For God to allowed this to happen
to me

My eyes once contained a sparkle full
of joy and hope
Before the stars were stolen
No mortal can feel a greater agony
Since it was my tender spirit that was
I cry so hard a night
I cry as I don’t see
What I did that was so wrong
For God to allowed this to happen
to me

People tell me I must forgive
That it is best to forget
But they have not felt the hell I have
My type of torment is something they
have not met
I held the hurt and bitterness inside
For it was all I thought I would ever know
But my heart gave me unexpected courage
And I found the strength to let go...

Suddenly it has all been turned around
Suddenly my life has become so clear
Crawl back under the rock from which
you came
Your sick face is something that I will
no longer fear

You are less than a rock; at least it
has substance
Weaker than a jellyfish, for even it
has more of a spine
Buy you have none these
I am taking back what was mine
Because I have won
I have won
You have lost your hold on me
I have won

I have found a love
I have learned to cope
Perhaps the memories shall
always remain
But it cannot compare to
what is stronger... hope

Because I overcame
Because I survived
Because the past is left behind
Because a beloved has arrived
And I have won
I have won
There is so much happiness to come
I have won

No longer will you haunt me
No longer shall the pain remain
When true love swept me up
It took the grief when it came
Yes, I have won
I have won
My life is at anew
I have won

Because I have won
I have won
Such a wonderful love I have now
I have won
Together we will face it all
We are one
We have won
We have won
My life has just begun



Brain Candy E-Zine has no rights to this story.  The rights belong to the author.

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