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Space Seeker Recruit

As a new Space Seeker-to-be, you have almost certainly been abducted from your planet of origin in a way completely mysterious and incomprehensible to you. Now you find yourself deep in "outer space" with no comfort and probably with strange companions and/or equipment. Well, buck up, m'boy, because it only gets weirder!

As a further part of your training, you may be put into some very dangerous situations, in settings that would drive the normal person mad! But don't worry, if you do go crazy, a little craziness is part and parcel of being a Seeker. And if you go totally insane, no worries: that means there must have been a mistake in your recruitment. I'm sure it'll be worked out soon.

Feeling a little disconnected? Don't worry! Learn to rely on your equipment and never, EVER take off your suit...once you get one, that is. A Space Seeker's best friend is his assortment of stuff, most of which can destroy things with great efficiency. Being a Space Seeker is a dangerous job: expect that you won't have many friends. You could even work that into a Space Seeker motto: "Travel the Omnisphere, meet interesting races, befriend peaceful, intelligent beings, and fight the creatures that kill them." But wait, that couldn't work, because then you'd be fighting other Space Seekers a lot...Hmm.

Your friends and companions (aside from your equipment) will be, for the most part, Space Seekers like yourself, armed with world destroying energies. But don't worry, each of them will have gone through just as much training as you.

But you're saying to yourself: "All this hasn't told me much", and you know what? You're right. Information is the most valuable thing you can have as Space Seeker, and often you won't be getting very much. So I was giving you a little sample. This is the Space Seeker help file, so I will tell you more, but the first lesson is this: you've got to learn to rely on yourself and your own wits early on or you won't make it, maleskulp and bogatasts notwithstanding.
