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Is Extinction Natural?

"Isn't extinction part of the natural order of things? The answer is no, at least not on the scale it has occurred in recent times. Over most of the last 300 years the rate of extinction of species was about one per year. At present the human-caused rate of species extinction is at least a thousand times as great as that. . . . The cause of this rapid acceleration in the rate of extinctions is human activity."-The New York Public Library Desk Reference.

"I have become fascinated with numerous, extraordinary vanished creatures, and saddened, often angered, by their extinction. For in all but a few cases it has been Man through greed or cruelty, carelessness or indifference that has either directly or indirectly been the cause of these extinctions."-David Day, The Doomsday Book of Animals.

"Human activity is causing extinction of species before they have been recorded."-Biological Conservation.
