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Lesser Spotted Dogfish - (Scyliorbinus canicula)
Habitat:Everywhere except estuaries
Best methods:Legering right on the bottom
Best baits:Mackerel strip, sandeel
Irish specimen weight:3lbs 8oz
Irish record:4lbs 4oz
British record:4lbs 15oz 3dr
Some regard them as pests, but match anglers love them. Lesser Spotted Dogfish are one of the species found nearly everywhere in West Cork. It is virtually impossible for them to resist a portion of mackerel off the rocks (especially at night.) They can put up a fierce fight on light tackle, and if you manage two hook two doggies at one time, you will find out what its like to catch a shark from the shore. Sometimes, they can be difficult to hook, so it is better to use a small sized hook.