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My Reviews Of Films Based On Stephen King Books

Here I will review the films based on Stephen King books that I have seen.



* Rubbish

** OK

*** Good

**** Very good

***** Excelent

The Stand

Certificate 15

Based on the novel The Stand

This is very longbut I think that if it was shorter it would not be as good. It is about a killer flu that kills all but a few people. The people that are immune are drawn to either the good or the evil force. Once settlements are made the two forces have to try to win. This stays fairly true to the book, there are however a few major changes. Rating *****

The Shining

Certificate 18

Based on the novel The Shining

Jack Torrance (Jack Nicholson) gets a job as a winter caretaker in a hotel. There are evil forces in the hotel and because of the seclusion and the evil Jack goes mad and tries to kill his wife Wendy and son Danny who has the gift of shining. This is a really good film, It sticks to the book quite well although again there are one or two major changes. Rating *****


Certificate 18

Based on the novel Misery

Writer Paul Sheldon has a car crash and is found by Annie Wilkes (Kathy Bates) his number one fan. She nurses him but when she finds out that he has killed off her favourite character Misery she wants him to write a new book, bringing Misery back to life. He wants to escape but the house is away from the village and there is no phone. I liked this film. It stays quite true to the book with just a few minor changes. Rating ****

The Shawshank Redemption

Certificate 15

Based on the novella Rita Hayworth and the Shawshank Redemption.

Andy Dufrane (Tim Robins) gets sent to Shawshank State prison for murdering his wife and her lover. He makes friends with Red (Morgan Freeman) and because of his expertese in banking he does lots of accounting for the prison wardens. He manages to build up the prison library and do lots of things and finally he makes his escape. This stays almost exactly the same as the book, in some places text is actually used in the script. There are a few minor changes but that probably makes it better. Rating *****

The Dark Half

Certificate 18

Based on the novel The Dark Half

Thad Beaumont is an author, he writes horror books under the name of George Stark. When he is forced into telling everyone that he is George Stark and starts to write under his own name bad things start to happen. George Stark does not want to be forgotten, he wants to stay. This is a good film. Rating ****


Certificate 18

Based on the novel IT

A group of friends thought they had got rid of IT when they were children but IT comes back and only they can stop it. They are rounded up from all over America and one fron England to go back to their hometown of Derry to stop IT before it killes any more people. This is quite long but really good. Rating ****

Stand By Me

Certificate 15

Based on the novella The Body

Four boys find out the whereabouts of the body of a boy their age that died so they set out to find it. They find most of the journey fun but there are tough bits. They learn a lot about friendship and a lot about themselves. This is really good, one of the best films based on a Stephen King book. It stays almost exactly the same as the book, there is only one real change made. Some of the script is taken directly from the book but not much. (If people start saying things that come from this film then deny seeing it dont belive them! - You know who you are!!!) Rating *****

Pet Sematary

Certificate 18

Based on the novel Pet Sematary

The Creed family move house to a place next to a pet sematary and a road which has a lot of lorries traveling along it. When the duaghters pet cat dies neighbour Jud shows the Dad a place where thing that are buried can come back to life. But they come back evil. When the son is knocked down and killed by a passing lorry the Dad burrys him in the same place as the cat but the concequences are disasterous. This is a good film. Rating ****

Needful Things

Certificate 15

Based on the novel Needful Things

A new shop opens in the town of Castle Rock. There is always something that you really want for sale and the price is very reasonable...but only in terms of money. The shopkeeper makes people do things to other residents of the town causing bad feeling and trouble. This is a good film. Rating ****

I will add more reviews soon.

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