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MissMindy's Side ( dedication page to friends )

Things I don't like!

Angelfire - Easiest Free Home Pages
ONe of my best friends in high school Her name is Kelly
To get Icq My uin is 2578614 BUt first be sure to sign the guest book!
Katie, a friend since elementary school
A pretty good game =)
Andrew, a friend

HI, My name is Melinda if you don't like it that's too bad! You'll have to deal with that ! (Mindy is my nick name) I'm a 15 year old girl BYe bye damn pathetic crappy piece of poop homepage! Uh guys, My homepage sucked, sorry to have made you go through that Tell me what my new and improved home page should be about? Maybe some peoms I wrote or something ANd well bye bye LOve Always Melinda =Þ

Read or sign my Dreambook!
