My World
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Darkness...Darkness everywhere they look...The sun...Young children don't know what the sun is...For they've never seen it...The older people remember the sun... They dream of it...Dreams of nothing...

The darkness is a punishment...Or so the elders say...Do the young ones believe... Yes, they do...No, they don't...Belief in nothing...

People cry...People wisper...People shout...People scream...And yet...They feel nothing...

Little boys don't play with trucks...Little girls don't play with dolls...They do only what their parents want...Their parents want them to do nothing...

What is a world of darkness; a world of no dreams, no belief, no feelings, no hope... It's a strange world indeed...

Your world is different than that...But strange all together... You live in a world of business...Most people care not of others...But of their own selves only...A good business man would sell his soul to the devil...If it meant making a dollar...

There are people on the streets...In your world...People with their noses held high...Step over them... With a word or two of pure disgust...What did the poor person on the street...Do to get that in return..

Honest working people...Have to pull to make ends meet...While the tricky, dirty people...Live life to it's so called fullness...Is that fair...No...But that's your world...

There's a girl...She lives in your world...She loves what the world is...She loves the flowers, trees, and animals...The only thing she thinks God made a mistake in... is you...The human being...If Man can change...It would only be for the better...

Who is this girl...Who thinks like this...She is a girl of dreams...She lives in your world... And in her own...Her world is a world of where her wildest dreams come true...She can be anything... Anyone...In any place in the world...She goes to her world whenever she can... Who is she...She is me...

Welcome to My World...

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