We hate you, Ken Griffey Jr!

I hate Ken Griffey Jr. Okay, maybe I strongly dislike him. But, whatever the case, he is not one of my favorite people. Most people know why.

In 1995, when the Yankees were in the postseason for the first time in more a decade and a half. Donnie Mattingly was finally in it, and everyone was estatic when they beat Seattle in the first two games of the division series. But then something terrible happened. In the kingdome, the Mariners won. And won. And won. The winning run was Ken Griffey Jr, sliding across the plate.

Now, I know the Yankees win a lot, so when they lose, they remember. But still, , even then, Griffey wouldn't be vicously booed the way he is. No, it's something more personal. You got angry when Justice ripped Yankee fans?

Junior repeatedly dragged the Yankee name through the mud, saying he'd NEVER play for the Yankees. Why? Maybe because Steinnbrenner wouldn't let him in the clubhouse when he was a kid and his daddy played for the Yanks. I don't know. All I know is that GRIFFEY STINKS!!!!

Email: shaunagm@hotmail.com