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Hi! My name is Kristina aka Butterfly8i8, I'm going to tell you the history of this webring. It began in the 808 state...Hawaii, Oahu, back in 97 during september. I used the name "butterfly" in the I94 chat room. One day this guy named, Venue-1, gave me the symbol for butterfly which is "8i8" At first i couldn't see the butterfly, but then after a while i finally seen it. From then on, I use that 8i8 to my name in the chat room. "Butterfly_8i8" Then suddenly, everyone started to use that and began to add that to their name too. So after a couple months past, I decided to make a 8i8 cReW. And here we are today.

The 8i8 cReW is for anyone who loves butterflies...anyone and everyone can join. And this is also for peepos that want to show their homepage world wide on the web.

Follow the steps and you will become a member of the "8i8 cReW"

SigN uP nOw
CliCk hErE 2 JoIn ThE RiNg

PiCk a DeSiGn RiNg
CliCk hErE 2 pIcK a DeSiGn 2 PlAcE oN yOuR hOmEpAgE

wHo's iN qUeUe MoDe
SeE tHe PeEpOs ThAt ArE wAiTiNg 2 Be In ThE rInG

wHo's iN rInG MoDe
SeE tHe MeMbErS oF tHe "8i8 cReW" & ViSiT tHeIr HoMePaGe

mEmBeR's wHo wAnT tO eDiT sItE iNfO
CliCk hErE 2 ChAnGe YoUr InFo aBoUt yOuR sItE

NoN-HoMePaGeD MeMbeRs
MeMbers that HaVe No HoMepAge, BuT waNt to JoIn

8i8 cReW mANaGeMeNT WeBrInG OwNeRs
Butterfly8i8 & fReAkAzOid8i8

SiGn ThE 8i8 G-bOok

ViEw tHe 8i8 G-bOok

GeT yOuR fReE hOmEpAgE @ aNgELfIrE

If you have any questions,
Email me:
8i8 butterfly cReW made possible by
the Webring.

©1998 Butterfly8i8 & 8i8 Freakazoid 606 PrOdUcTiOnS