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Welcome to 3 Graces

Lizbeth's www pages of good stuff

The Poetry
The Art
The Stories
And More
Plus ... Photo Ops!

Well, things have actually changed a bit ...
We're now 4 Graces ... and Gris. And please welcome Puck.
See us in Photo Ops. We love you. Check back often - please.

Oh, the 3 Graces were the daughters of Zeus and Eurynome.

The attendance of the Graces,
Aglaia (Splendor), Euphrosyne (Festivity), and Thalia (Rejoicing),
was the assurance of peace and happiness.

They wove the material for Aphrodite's robe.
(The Iliad, 5.338).

They also tended to Aphrodite when she returned to Cyprus,
humiliated after she had been caught in the trap her husband, Hephaestus,
had set to catch her and Ares in the embrace of love.
(The Odyssey, 8.300).

The Graces bathed her, anointed her with ambrosial oil
and dressed her in delightful clothing
so that she might resume her loving duties.

The Graces are lovely maidens.
These sisters are the most ethereal characters
for they remain virginal and pure throughout Greek mythology.

These goddesses were often associated with celebrations.
Each Spring they performed a fertility dance which caused
seeds to sprout and flowers to bloom.

It was widely believed that the 3 Graces
bestowed talent and inspiration
on artists and poets.

I hope you enjoy my site,



Email: Lizbeth